Comparative Study
Functional outcome and quality of life of Gustilo IIIB open tibial fractures requiring free tissue transfers: a report of eight cases.
Eight patients with type IIIB open tibial fractures requiring free tissue transfers were retrospectively reviewed. The functional outcome was evaluated by using a scoring system developed by Puno et al. (Microsurgery 17:167-173, 1996). Short Form 36 (SF-36) was used as a measurement of individuals' quality-of-life (QOL) scores. ⋯ Treated cases showed an acceptable QOL, considering the results of the T-GH. The mental QOL was higher than the physical QOL. In severe open tibial fractures, it is difficult to obtain a good or excellent functional outcome, even with reconstruction using free tissue transfers.
Ischemic preconditioning (IP) is defined as a brief period of ischemia ("preclamping") followed by tissue reperfusion, thereby increasing ischemic tolerance for a subsequent longer ischemic period. Several studies showed the effectiveness of classic local IP by preclamping the flap pedicle. There are two temporally and mechanically different types of IP: acute preconditioning, which is induced by preclamping the flap pedicle briefly before flap ischemia, and late preconditioning, induced by a preclamping procedure 24-48 h before flap ischemia. ⋯ The exact mechanism of "classic" as well as remote IP is not yet finally determined, although several studies demonstrated that endogenous nitric oxide plays an important role. In summary, the use of a tourniquet to induce limb ischemia before flap ischemia could provide a new, alternative, noninvasive remote IP protocol, although late remote IP might be effective only in muscle flaps. However, the possible future clinical application for late IP is elective flap surgery, whereas acute remote IP could even be used in emergency flaps.
We investigated the feasibility in rats of enhancing skin-flap prefabrication with subdermal injections of adenovirus-encoding vascular endothelial growth factor (Ad-VEGF). The left saphenous vascular pedicle was used as a source for vascular induction. A peninsular abdominal flap (8 x 8 cm) was elevated as distally based, keeping the epigastric vessels intact on both sides. ⋯ Microangiographic studies showed increased vascularity around the implanted pedicle, which was similar in all groups. However, vascularization was distributed in a larger area in the prefabricated flaps treated with Ad-VEGF. In this study, the authors demonstrated that adenovirus-mediated VEGF gene therapy increased the survival of prefabricated flaps, suggesting that it may allow prefabrication of larger flaps and have the potential to reduce the time required for flap maturation.
Comparative Study
Modified distally based sural neuro-veno-fasciocutaneous flap: anatomical study and clinical applications.
The distally based sural neuro-veno-fasciocutaneous flap has been used widely for reconstruction of foot and ankle soft-tissue defects. The distal pivot point of the flap is designed at the lowest septocutaneous perforator from the peroneal artery of the posterolateral septum, which is, on average, 5 cm (4-7 cm) above the lateral malleolus. A longer neuro-veno-adipofascial pedicle would be needed to reversely reach the distal foot defect when the flap is dissected based on this perforating branch, which may result in more trauma in flap elevation and morbidity of the donor site. ⋯ Neither arterial ischemia nor venous congestion was noted. In conclusion, the vascular pivot point of a distally based sural flap can be safely designed at 1.5 cm proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus. This modified flap provides a valuable tool for repair of foot and ankle soft-tissue defects.
As microsurgery advances, microsurgical free-tissue transfers have become the reconstructive method of choice over staged or primary amputation, and enabling independent ambulation in difficult lower-extremity wounds. In this report, we present our experiences with free-tissue transfer for the reconstruction of soft-tissue defects in 13 diabetic foot ulcers. Following radical debridement, soft-tissue reconstruction was achieved in the following ways: anterolateral thigh fasciocutaneous flap in 5 patients, radial forearm fasciocutaneous flap in 3 patients, lateral arm fasciocutaneous flap in 1 patient, gracilis musculocutaneous flap in 1 patient, tensor fascia latae flap in 1 patient, deep inferior epigastric perforator flap in 1 patient, and a parascapular flap in the remaining patient. ⋯ During the follow-up period of 8 months to 2 years, no ulcer recurrence was noted, and no revascularization or vascular bypass surgery was needed before or after the free-tissue transfers. The authors conclude that free-tissue transfer for diabetic foot ulcers is a reliable procedure, despite pessimistic opinions regarding the flap survival and low limb salvage rates. It should be considered a useful reconstructive option for serious defects in well-selected cases.