Notalgia paresthetica is a rare nerve compression. From the Greek word noton, meaning "back," and algia, meaning "pain," "notalgia paresthetica" implies that symptoms of burning pain, itching, and/or numbness in the localized region between the spinous processes of T2 through T6 and the medial border of the scapula constitute a nerve compression syndrome. ⋯ It is compressed by the paraspinous muscles and fascia against the transverse process of these spinal segments. This is the first report of symptomatic relief by decompression of this nerve.
From 2000 to 2006, 35 infants with total obstetric brachial plexus palsy underwent brachial plexus exploration and reconstruction. The mean age at surgery was 10.8 months (range 3-60 months), and the median age was 8 months. All infants were followed for at least 2.5 years (range 2.5-7.3 years) with an average follow-up of 4.2 years. ⋯ Tendon transfer may be required to improve external rotation in selected cases. Apparently, intact C8 and T1 roots should be left alone if the patient has partial hand recovery, no Horner syndrome, and was operated early (3- or 4-months old). Apparently, intact nonfunctioning lower roots with no response to electrical stimulation, especially in the presence of Horner syndrome, should be neurotized with the best available intraplexal donor.
Case Reports Comparative Study
Comparison of free anterolateral thigh flaps and free muscle-musculocutaneous flaps in soft tissue reconstruction of lower extremity.
The objective of this study was to compare the free muscle-musculocutaneous flaps and free perforator skin flaps used for soft tissue reconstruction of the lower extremities. ⋯ ALT perforator flap is a precious option for lower extremity soft tissue reconstruction with minimal donor site morbidity. Nevertheless, the beginners should be attentive to an increased rate of flap complications with the ALT flap and free axial muscle-musculocutaneous flaps would still be the tissue of choice for coverage of leg defects for a surgeon before gaining enough experience with perforator flap dissection.
The previously described "perfusion zones" of the abdominal wall vasculature are based on filling of the deep inferior epigastric artery (DIEA) and all its branches simultaneously. With the advent of the DIEA perforator flap, only a single or several perforators are included in supply to the flap. As such, a new model for abdominal wall perfusion has become necessary. The concept of a "perforator angiosome" is thus explored. ⋯ The "perforator angiosome" is dependent on perforator location, and can mapped individually with the use of preoperative imaging.