The American journal of emergency medicine
Review Case Reports
Boerhaave's syndrome presenting with abdominal pain and right hydropneumothorax.
This case of Boerhaave's Syndrome had several unusual features including a delayed presentation and right-sided esophageal perforation. The patient's initial episode of hematemesis may have been caused by a small mucosal laceration in the area of the Barrett's lesion that later ruptured. On the other hand, if initially there was an esophageal rupture, it did not violate the parietal pleura or mediastinum. ⋯ The single most important test may be the upright chest X-ray. However, if it is normal, and there is a high index of suspicion, esophagograms and or chest CT may be required to demonstrate the lesion. Because survival is directly related to the time to diagnosis and treatment, a high clinical suspicion can decrease the substantial morbidity and mortality associated with Boerhaave's Syndrome.
Comment Letter Case Reports
Gas gangrene secondary to subcutaneous insulin injection.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Does warming local anesthetic reduce the pain of subcutaneous injection?
The most frequent complaint noted with the use of lidocaine (or other amide local anesthetic) is stinging or burning pain associated with subcutaneous infiltration. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of warming buffered lidocaine for reducing the pain of infiltration. Forty adult volunteers were entered into a randomized, crossover study conducted at a community teaching hospital. ⋯ The order or the initial side of the injection did not influence the pain scores. The study had a power of 80% to detect a 10-mm difference between the two solutions at alpha = .05. These results suggest that warming buffered lidocaine to body temperature (37 degrees C) does not reduce the pain of subcutaneous infiltration.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of mannitol (Man), dexamethasone (DM), dichloroacetic acid (DCA) and 1,3-butanediol (BD) in reduction of posttraumatic cortical edema following brain deformation injury to rats. Ten minutes prior to fluid percussion injury, each animal received one of four pretreatments or placebo: Man, 1 g/kg intravenously, DM 3.0 mg/kg intravenously, DCA 25 mg/kg intraperitoneally BD 0.5 mg/kg intraperitoneally (n = 12 per treatment group), or equivolume saline (n = 8 per corresponding trauma group). Six hours after trauma, cortical tissue was harvested. ⋯ The measured cortical SpG from traumatized animals receiving Man (mean 1.037 +/- SEM .001), DCA (1.038 +/- .001), and BD (1.039 +/- .001) were equal to SpG from untraumitized cortex (1.041 +/- .001), and were significantly greater than SpG from traumatized cortex for animals receiving DM (1.035 +/- .001) or placebo (1.033 +/- .002). Pretreatment with DCA, Man, and BD appears to protect against development of posttraumatic cortical edema when measured 6 hours after blunt head trauma in the rat. Each of these chemical treatments appears effective in preventing or reducing posttraumatic cortical edema.