The American journal of emergency medicine
Timely identification and treatment of intracranial hematomas in patients with brain injury is essential for successful treatment. This study evaluates Infra-scanner as a handy medical screening tool for diagnosing, on-site, cerebral hematomas in patients with head injury. ⋯ This study shows that Infra-scanner is useful in initial examination and screening of patients with head injury and can be used as an adjunct to a CT scan or when not available and may allow earlier treatment which reduce the secondary damage to the hematoma.
Acute carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning due to smoking hookah has been reported and may present similarly to other causes of acute carbon monoxide poisoning with nausea, headache, and loss of consciousness [1]. In the acute poisoned patient, immediate removal from the carbon monoxide source is paramount in addition to administration of oxygen and possible hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) in certain situations. However, cases of chronic CO poisoning, treatment options, and long-term adverse health effects are far less reported but may include atherosclerosis and vague neurologic symptoms [2]. ⋯ While being seen in the hematology clinic, he was found to have a blood carboxyhemoglobin of level 33.6% despite being asymptomatic. This is the highest recorded hookah-related carboxyhemoglobin concentration in the medical literature; and the significant chronic carboxyhemoglobinemia explained his polycythemia. This case illustrates that a social history is crucial when assessing the patient with severe carboxyhemoglobinemia as HBO is not indicated in chronic CO poisoning in an asymptomatic patient.
Syncope is a common presenting symptom in the pediatric emergency department (PED). The etiology of pediatric syncope is generally benign. However, differentiating cardiac and other serious causes from benign causes of syncope are crucial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the change of physicians' behavior after introduction of an institutional protocol designed to act as a guide in the assessment and management of syncope patients in the PED. ⋯ The introduction of the syncope approach protocol in PED has enabled an evidence-based and systematic evaluation and management of syncope patients, and reduced the rates of low-yield investigations. Sustained implementation of this protocol can have long-term benefits in the care of children with syncope at the emergency department.
Little is known about pain trajectories in the emergency department (ED), which could inform the heterogeneous response to pain treatment. We aimed to identify clinically relevant subphenotypes of pain resolution in the ED and their relationships with clinical outcomes. ⋯ We identified three novel pain subphenotypes with distinct patterns in clinical characteristics and patient outcomes. A better understanding of the pain trajectories may help with the personalized approach to pain management in the ED.