The American journal of emergency medicine
Emergency departments (EDs) play an integral role in a community's response to disaster. Terrorist attacks targeting EDs have the potential to disrupt the emergency response apparatus. Understanding prior attacks against EDs can yield important lessons to mitigate the impact of future violence. ⋯ Attacks against EDs, while rare, have the potential to lead to loss of life through both the direct attack and subsequent disruptions to healthcare.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Efficacy of human C1 esterase inhibitor concentrate for treatment of ACE-inhibitor induced angioedema.
ACE inhibitor (ACEi) induced angioedema predominantly affects the upper aerodigestive tract. As ACEi induced angioedema is mediated by bradykinin, therapeutic response to antihistamines and glucocorticoids remains unsatisfactory. In bradykinin mediated hereditary angioedema, C1-esterase inhibitor (C1INH) is an effective and approved treatment since many years. Our aim was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of C1INH in ACEi induced angioedema. ⋯ In the context of baseline application of steroids and antihistamines C1INH was inferior in the treatment of ACEi induced angioedema when compared to placebo with respect to time to complete resolution of symptoms. Eudra-CT Number: 2012-001670-28.
Studies have demonstrated the benefits of INF in reducing pain scores in pediatric patients with VOC due to sickle cell disease (SCD) and in adult patients with chronic pain conditions other than VOC, such as cancer. However, there is limited literature that exists describing the role of INF in adult patients with VOC due to SCD. Current literature demonstrates that the use of IV morphine for VOC patients leads to reduced pain. Therefore, comparing the use of INF with IV morphine will establish the degree of effectiveness of INF for VOC patients. ⋯ INF provided similar pain reduction compared to IV morphine in the treatment of adults with VOC presenting to the ED. IV morphine arm showed a statistically significant difference in discharge to home from the ED, however there was a trend in readmission within 48 h. The study showed no significant difference in hypotension, respiratory distress, or bradycardia between the groups. The INF group had no significant impact on time to drug administration compared to IV morphine, however it was within 1 h of patient presentation which complies with American Society of Hematology (ASH) guidelines. In conclusion, our study showed that INF was non-inferior when compared to IV morphine in reducing pain scores after drug administration. Therefore, INF is an effective alternative to IV morphine for pain management in adults presenting to the ED for VOC particularly in those with limited IV access.
Emergency department (ED) crowding has been shown to increase throughput measures of length of stay (LOS), wait time, and boarding time. Psychiatric utilization of the ED has increased, particularly among younger patients. This investigation quantifies the effect of ED demand on throughput times and discharge disposition for pediatric psychiatric patients in the ED. ⋯ ED demand has a meaningful effect on throughput times, but a minimal effect on disposition status. Further research is needed to validate these findings across other state and healthcare systems.
The modified accelerated diagnostic protocol (ADP) to assess patients with chest pain symptoms using troponin as the only biomarker (mADAPT), the History, ECG, Age, Risk factors, and Troponin (HEART) pathway, and the Emergency Department Assessment of Chest Pain Rule (EDACS)-ADP, are the three most well-known ADPs for patients with chest pain. These ADPs define major adverse cardiac event (MACE) as components of acute myocardial infarction, revascularization, and death; unstable angina is not included as an endpoint. ⋯ All three ADPs-mADAPT, EDACS-ADP, and HEART pathway-were similarly accurate in their discriminatory performance for the risk stratification of ED patients presenting with possible ACS when unstable angina was not included in the endpoint. The HEART pathway showed the best combination of sensitivity and proportion of patients that can be classified as safe for early discharge. However, when unstable angina was added to the endpoint, all three ADPs did not show appropriate safety levels and their performances were lower than the acceptable risk of MACE.