The American journal of emergency medicine
Acute bacterial meningitis in adults is a rare but serious condition that carries a high rate of morbidity. ⋯ A better understanding of the pearls and pitfalls of acute bacterial meningitis can assist emergency clinicians in pursuing its timely diagnosis and management.
Observational Study
Association between prehospital airway type and oxygenation and ventilation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
This study aimed to evaluate the association between prehospital airway type and oxygenation and ventilation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). ⋯ ETI was significantly associated with good oxygenation and good ventilation compared to BVM in patients with OHCA, particularly during longer transports. This should be taken into consideration when deciding the prehospital advanced airway management in patients with OHCA.
Hypotension has a powerful effect on patient outcome after traumatic brain injury (TBI). The relative impact of hypotension occurring in the field versus during early hospital resuscitation is unknown. We evaluated the association between hypotension and mortality and non-mortality outcomes in four cohorts defined by where the hypotension occurred [neither prehospital nor hospital, prehospital only, hospital only, both prehospital and hospital]. ⋯ While patients with hypotension in the field or on arrival at the trauma center had markedly increased risk of death compared to those with no hypotension, those with prehospital hypotension that was not resolved before hospital arrival had, by far, the highest odds of death. Furthermore, TBI patients who had prehospital hypotension were five times more likely to arrive hypotensive at the trauma center than those who did not. Finally, even "near-hypotension" in the field was strongly and independently associated the risk of a hypotensive hospital arrival (<90 mmHg). These findings are supportive of the prehospital guidelines that recommend aggressive prevention and treatment of hypotension in major TBI.
Review Case Reports
Adnexal torsion in pregnancy: A systematic review of case reports and case series.
This study aimed to investigate clinical presentations, surgical procedures and findings, complications, and predisposing factors of adnexal torsion in pregnant women. ⋯ Clinicians should think of adnexal torsion when pregnant women complain of sudden-onset pain. Then, using ultrasound, adnexal enlargement or masses should be explored seriously. They should take invasive and urgent therapy to preserve ovaries and prevent complications.