Der Orthopäde
Pelvic injuries represent a thorny and stubborn therapeutic challenge. Because major forces are required to fracture the pelvis, pelvic ring disruption, more than any other fracture, can lead to life-threatening associated injuries such as massive bleeding, organ injuries, and open fractures including hemipelvectomy. ⋯ Therefore, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures have to be primarily adapted to the hemodynamics of the patient, secondarily to injuries of the brain and the torso. The time point and the techniques of definitive pelvic ring stabilization may be different in the patient with multiple injuries compared to isolated pelvic ring injuries.
Thoracic injuries are a major cause of mortality during the "golden hour" of trauma. Many patients with chest trauma die after reaching the hospital. ⋯ A high index of suspicion for lethal injury patterns, based on the mechanism of trauma and the clinical presentation, is a crucial prerequisite for an adequate initial assessment and management of patients with chest trauma. The worldwide implementation of standardized diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines, such as the "Advanced Trauma Life Support" (ATLS) protocol, has led to a significant reduction of early deaths attributed to thoracic injuries.
Review Comparative Study
[The preclinical care of polytraumatized patients].
In industrially developed countries, trauma is the major mortality factor for people younger than 40 years. The preclinical management of polytraumatized patients influences the prognosis of mortality and morbidity. ⋯ Diagnostic overview, protection of the vital functions under the special situation of shock, immobilization of the spine and the treatment of the isolated injuries are part of the preclinical management efforts. Rescue of the polytraumatized patient, organization and announcement of transfer and the protection of the rescue team have to be taken into account.
Blunt abdominal trauma is much more frequent than penetrating abdominal trauma in Europe. As a consequence of improved quality of computed tomography, even complex liver injuries are increasingly being treated conservatively. However, missed hollow viscus injuries still remain a problem, as they considerably increase mortality in multiply injured patients. ⋯ If intra-abdominal bleeding is difficult to control in hemodynamically unstable patients, damage control surgery with packing of the liver, total splenectomy, and provisional closure of hollow viscus injuries is of importance. Definitive surgical treatment follows hemodynamic stabilization and restoration of hemostasis. Injuries of the duodenum and pancreas after blunt abdominal trauma are often associated with other intra-abdominal injuries and the treatment depends on their location and severity.