Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Characteristics of volunteers responding to emergencies in the Public Access Defibrillation Trial.
To evaluate the characteristics of volunteers responding to emergencies in the North American Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Trial. ⋯ Volunteers with previous emergency training and positions of responsibility in their facility had a greater likelihood of participation in medical emergencies in the PAD Trial.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Does the type of out-of-hospital airway interfere with other cardiopulmonary resuscitation tasks?
Out-of-hospital rescuers often perform tracheal intubation (TI) prior to other cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) interventions. TI is a complex and error-prone procedure that may interfere with other key resuscitation tasks. We compared the effects of TI versus esophageal tracheal combitube (ETC) insertion on the accomplishment of other interventions during simulated cardiopulmonary resuscitation. ⋯ Compared with TI, ETC reduced time to airway placement and time without chest compressions, but did not affect elapsed times to accomplish other interventions. Additional time differences may be realized if translated to clinical out-of-hospital conditions.
The response to exchange transfusion with red blood cells (RBCs) saturated with carbon monoxide (CO) in amelioration of microvascular function and providing tissue protection in hemorrhagic shock resuscitation was investigated in the hamster chamber window model. Shock was induced by the withdrawal of 50% of blood volume (BV). Blood volume was restored 1 h after hemorrhage with a single volume infusion (resuscitation) of 25% BV with fresh RBCs (saturated or unsaturated with CO) suspended in human serum albumin (HSA). ⋯ CO saturated blood partially mitigated cell injury at 8 h after resuscitation. The precise cellular mechanisms involved require further elucidation. CO is a novel experimental strategy to improve tissue viability and requires the appropriated preclinical studies to confirm its efficacy.
Case Reports
Terlipressin as an adjunct vasopressor in refractory hypotension after tricyclic antidepressant intoxication.
To report the management of cardiovascular failure refractory to standard catecholamine therapy with terlipressin in a patient with tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) intoxication. ⋯ Successful management of cardiovascular failure with terlipressin after TCA intoxication refractory to catecholamines suggests a potential role for terlipressin as an adjunct vasopressor in severely hypotensive patients.
Small volume resuscitation with tempol is detrimental during uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock in rats.
In a previous study, titration of a hypertonic saline (HTS) solution during severe uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock (UHS) failed to reduce mortality. In a separate study, a novel antioxidant, polynitroxylated albumin (PNA) plus tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl), infused during shock increased long-term survival. We hypothesized that combining potent antioxidants with a hypertonic solution during UHS would preserve the logistical advantage of small volume resuscitation and improve survival. ⋯ Despite its benefits in other model systems, free tempol is potentially hazardous when combined with hypertonic fluids. PNA abrogates these deleterious effects on acute mortality but may lead to increased blood loss in the setting of UHS.