Multicenter Study
Appropriate documentation of confirmation of endotracheal tube position and relationship to patient outcome from in-hospital cardiac arrest.
To determine the rate of appropriate documentation of endotracheal tube (ET) position confirmation in the American Heart Association's Get With the Guidelines-Resuscitation (GWTG-R) and to determine whether outcomes of patients who experience in-hospital cardiac arrest differ in relation to documentation rate. ⋯ Documentation of ET position confirmation in patients who experience cardiac arrest is suboptimal. Appropriate documentation of ET position confirmation in the GWTG-R is associated with greater likelihood of ROSC and survival to hospital discharge.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Quality of chest compressions performed by inexperienced rescuers in simulated cardiac arrest associated with pregnancy.
We aimed to compare the quality of chest compressions performed by inexperienced rescuers in different positions, notably supine and at a 30° inclined lateral position, to ascertain whether high-quality chest compression is feasible on a pregnant subject in cardiac arrest. ⋯ Inexperienced rescuers appear to be capable of performing high-quality chest compressions in a 30° inclined lateral position on pregnant women in a simulated cardiac arrest state.