Comparative Study
Resuscitation of the pregnant patient: What is the effect of patient positioning on inferior vena cava diameter?
Patients in the third trimester of pregnancy presenting to the emergency department (ED) with hypotension are routinely placed in the left lateral tilt (LLT) position to relieve inferior vena cava (IVC) compression from the gravid uterus thereby increasing venous return. However, the relationship between patient position and proximal intrahepatic IVC filling has never assessed directly. This study set out to determine the effect of LLT position on intrahepatic IVC diameter in third trimester patients under real-time visualization with ultrasound. ⋯ IVC ultrasound is feasible in late pregnancy and demonstrates an increase in diameter with LLT positioning. However, a quarter of patients had a decrease in IVC diameter with tilting and, instead, had the largest IVC diameter in the supine position suggesting that uterine compression of the IVC may not occur universally. IVC assessment at the bedside may be a useful adjunct in determining optimal positioning for resuscitation of third trimester patients.
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Chest injury following cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a prospective computed tomography evaluation.
Traumatic chest injuries may occur following cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The aim of this study was to address the frequency of injuries, especially rib and sternal fractures, and also to identify factors that contribute to post-CPR trauma. ⋯ The incidence of rib fracture following CPR was different in various hospitals. The presence of non-physician chest compressors in the ED was one of the contributing factors to rib fracture. Further studies on the influence of resuscitators and relation between quality of chest compression and CPR-induced injuries are warranted to reduce complications following CPR.
Comparative Study
Medical emergency team response for the non-hospitalized patient.
Rapid response systems (RRS) evolved to care for deteriorating hospitalized patients outside of the ICU. However, emergent critical care needs occur suddenly and unexpectedly throughout the hospital campus, including areas with non-hospitalized persons. The efficacy of RRS in this population has not yet been described or tested. We hypothesize that non-hospitalized patients accrue minimal benefit from ICU physician participation in the RRS. ⋯ Perceived emergencies in non-hospitalized patients occur commonly but require minimal emergent intervention. Restriction of critical care physician involvement to inpatient deteriorations should be considered when designing a RRS. Future studies are needed to evaluate the utility of non-physician provider led rapid response teams with protocol-driven interventions for similar populations.
Potassium-based cardioplegia has been the gold standard for cardioprotection during cardiac surgery. We sought to evaluate the feasibility and the effects of potassium-induced cardiac standstill during conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in a pig model of prolonged ventricular fibrillation (VF). ⋯ In a pig model of untreated VF cardiac arrest for 14 min, resuscitation with potassium-induced cardiac standstill during conventional CPR was found to be feasible.
Comparative Study
The influence of induced hypothermia and delayed prognostication on the mode of death after cardiac arrest.
Brain injury is considered the main cause of death in patients who are hospitalized after cardiac arrest (CA). Induced hypothermia is recommended as neuroprotective treatment after (CA) but may affect prognostic parameters. We evaluated the effect of delayed neurological prognostication on the mode of death in hypothermia-treated CA-survivors. ⋯ Following induced hypothermia and delayed neurological prognostication, brain injury remains the main cause of death after CA. Most patients with a poor prognosis statement died within 2 weeks.