Modern automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are designed to prevent shock delivery when excessive motion produces rhythm disturbances mimicking ventricular fibrillation (VF). This has been reported as a safety issue in airline operations, where turbulent motion is commonplace. We aimed to evaluate whether all seven AEDs can deliver shock appropriately in a flight simulator under turbulent conditions. ⋯ Some AEDs designed primarily for ground use may not perform well under turbulent in-flight conditions. AEDs for possible in-flight or other non-terrestrial use should be fully evaluated by manufacturers or end-users before introduction to service.
Multicenter Study
Electrocardiographic and echocardiographic changes during therapeutic hypothermia in encephalopathic infants with long-term adverse outcome.
To assess the electrocardiography and echocardiography changes during therapeutic hypothermia and rewarming period in encephalopathic infants with long-term adverse neurological outcome. ⋯ Infants with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy who have adverse neurological outcome show a preferential cerebral blood flow redistribution during therapeutic hypothermia. Infants with poor outcome have higher heart rate and shorter RR and QTc intervals during therapeutic hypothermia.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation-assisted CPR (ECPR) is an evolving adjunct for resuscitation of OHCA patients. The primary objective of this systematic review was to assess survival-to-hospital discharge with good neurologic recovery after OHCA among patients treated with ECPR compared to conventional CPR (CCPR). ⋯ Although a trend towards improved survival with good neurologic outcome was reported in controlled, low-risk of bias cohort studies, a preponderance of low quality evidence may ascribe an optimistic effect size of ECPR on survival among OHCA patients. Our confidence in a clinically relevant difference in outcomes compared to current standards of care for OHCA remains weak. In this state of equipoise, high quality RCT data is urgently needed.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Improving CPR quality with distributed practice and real-time feedback in pediatric healthcare providers - A randomized controlled trial.
Guideline compliant CPR is associated with improved survival for patients with cardiac arrest. Conventional Basic Life Support (BLS) training results in suboptimal CPR competency and skill retention. We aimed to compare the effectiveness of distributed CPR training with real-time feedback to conventional BLS training for CPR skills in pediatric healthcare providers. ⋯ Distributed CPR training with real-time feedback improves the compliance of AHA guidelines of quality of CPR.