This systematic review aimed to determine to what extent and why the care pathways for acute cardiac events in the community might differ for minoritised ethnic populations compared to non-minoritised populations. It also sought to identify the barriers and enablers that could influence variations in access to care for minoritised populations. ⋯ The extent and reasons for differences in cardiac care pathways are considerable. There are several remediable barriers and enablers that require attention to achieve equitable access to care for minoritised populations.
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) contributes to substantial mortality, but its resuscitation status in China is unknown. We aimed to describe and analyze out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in terms of Chain of Survival. ⋯ A low probability of first aid at multiple points is linked to poor survival following OHCA. It is essential to strengthen front links in the Chain of Survival in China, including among witnesses, bystanders, and emergency response.
Frequency and timing of Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment (WLST) after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) vary across Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in the United Kingdom (UK) and may be a marker of lower healthcare quality if instituted too frequently or too early. We aimed to describe WLST practice, quantify its variability across UK ICUs, and assess the effect of institutional deviation from average practice on patients' risk-adjusted hospital mortality. ⋯ Significant variability exists between UK ICUs in WLST frequency and timing. This matters because unexplained higher-than-expected WLST frequency is associated with higher hospital mortality independently of timing, potentially signalling prognostic pessimism and lower healthcare quality.
Advances in vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) technologies may enable drone-like crewed air ambulances to rapidly respond to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in urban areas. We estimated the impact of incorporating VTOL air ambulances on OHCA response intervals in two large urban centres in France and Canada. ⋯ VTOL air ambulances dedicated to OHCA response may improve EMS response intervals, with substantial improvements in ALS response metrics.
This study aimed to evaluate the impact of early thiamine and ascorbic acid administration on the neurologic outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients treated with targeted temperature management (TTM). ⋯ Adjuvant thiamine and ascorbic acid administration in OHCA survivors with TTM did not improve their neurologic outcome after one month. Further clinical trials are warranted.