In most patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is initiated by first responders (non-transporting firefighters or police) or emergency medical service (EMS) personnel. Whether survival outcomes differ when CPR is initiated by first responders vs. EMS is unclear. ⋯ CPR initiated by first responders for OHCA is associated with higher overall survival rates and higher survival was largely mediated by earlier response times.
To develop a simple scoring model that identifies individuals satisfying the termination of resuscitation (TOR) rule but having potential to achieve favourable neurological outcome following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). ⋯ A simple scoring model comprising age, first documented cardiac rhythm, and transport time effectively stratified the likelihood of achieving favourable neurological outcome in patients satisfying the BLS TOR rule.
Improving rates of organ donation among patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who do not survive is an opportunity to save countless lives. The objectives of this scientific statement were to do the following: define the opportunity for organ donation among patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; identify challenges and opportunities associated with organ donation by patients with cardiac arrest; identify strategies, including a generic protocol for organ donation after cardiac arrest, to increase the rate and consistency of organ donation from this population; and provide rationale for including organ donation as a key clinical outcome for all future cardiac arrest clinical trials and registries. ⋯ All health systems should develop, implement, and evaluate protocols designed to optimise organ donation opportunities for patients who have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and failed attempts at resuscitation.
We aimed to quantify the association of no-flow interval in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) with the odds of neurologically favorable survival and survival to hospital discharge/ 30th day. Our secondary aim was to explore futility thresholds to guide clinical decisions, such as prehospital termination of resuscitation. ⋯ We demonstrated that prolonged no-flow interval had a significant effect on lower odds of favorable neurological outcomes, with medical futility occurring when no-flow interval was >12 mins (>7.5 mins for witnessed arrest). Our study adds to the literature of the importance of early CPR and EMS response and provided a threshold beyond traditional 'down-times', which could aid clinical decisions in TOR or OHCA management.