HFPPV is not a jet technique, as it works without air entrainment. A low-compression ventilator, with a conventional rate of 20/min, provides efficient intrapulmonary gas mixing; however, with higher rates of 60-100/min the high inspiratory flow improves transfer/mixing of gas in the conducting airways. ⋯ It is important to note that enhanced gas mixing and improved gas distribution during HFPPV in acute respiratory failure patients are accomplished with lower mean airway pressure, thereby reducing barotrauma. In the future, versatile low-compression ventilators for volume-controlled IPPV and HFPPV will hopefully improve safety, efficiency and patient acceptance of mechanical ventilation in acute respiratory failure.
In spite of good correlations between cardiac output measurements by impedance and established invasive procedures (dye- and thermo-dilution) reported by numerous authors it is doubtful uptil now whether calculations of stroke volume according to the formula of Kubicek et al. (1974) can provide absolutely reliable results. The origin of the dz/dt curve and influencing factors of impedance wave have to be cleared up prior to the total acception of impedance cardiography as a reliable method for determining non-invasive stroke volume. This is true in spite of the agreement of all authors we know, that the reproducibility of the impedance cardiography values is as good as in dye or thermo-dilution measurements. ⋯ The reason for interindividual differences in the thoracic impedance at a given reduction of body water are due to anatomical differences, intrapulmonary air volume and pressure, location of the electrodes, electrical conductivity of the tissue and, above all, due to the position of the body. Therefore if transthoracic impedance is determined sequentially measurements must be performed with special attention to the position of the body to get reproducible results. Rapid infusion of colloids or blood transfusion may decrease transthoracic impedance due to intravascular volume expansion even at a net fluid lost during forced furosemide-induced diuresis or extracorporal hemodialysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Increase in total cardiac output can improve oxygen delivery to the cells. Although inotropic drugs increase primarily myocardial contractility, they can adversely affect cardiac preload and afterload. Moreover, they can dangerously increase myocardial oxygen requirements. The combined use of vasodilating agents, with fluid challenge represents a challenging but more efficient treatment of acute circulatory failure.
Hyperlactatemia is frequently observed in critically ill patients. A correlation of blood lactate concentrations and outcome of patients has been proven in circulatory shock, circulatory arrest, acute myocardial infarction, acute hypnotic drug poisoning and severe pancreatitis. ⋯ In individual patients, hyperlactatemia is a useful indicator pointing to the severity of illness and to superimposed complications. Blood lactate is of considerable value for the metabolic monitoring of critically ill patients.