Observational Study
The relation between given volume and heart rate during newborn resuscitation.
During delivery room resuscitation of depressed newborns, provision of appropriate tidal volume (TV) with establishment of functional residual capacity (FRC) is essential for circulatory recovery. Effective positive pressure ventilation (PPV) is associated with a rapid increase in heart rate (HR). The relationship between delivery of TV and HR responses remains unclear. ⋯ There was a consistent positive relationship between HR increase and delivered TV. The unanticipated finding of a further increase in HR with PPV pauses to provide stimulation/suctioning suggests that most newborns were in primary rather than secondary apnea.
Out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) mortality rates remain very high with poor neurological outcome in survivors. Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) is one of the treatments of refractory OHCA. This study used data from the mobile intensive care unit (MOICU) as part of the emergency medical system of Paris, and included all consecutive patients treated with ECPR (including pre-hospital ECPR) from 2011 to 2015 for the treatment of refractory OHCA, comparing two historical ECPR management strategies. ⋯ Our data suggest that ECPR in specific settings in the management of refractory OHCA is feasible and can lead to a significant increase in neurological intact survivors. These data, however, need to be confirmed by a large RCT.
Multicenter Study Pragmatic Clinical Trial
The cost-effectiveness of a mechanical compression device in out of hospital cardiac arrest.
To assess the cost-effectiveness of LUCAS-2, a mechanical device for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as compared to manual chest compressions in adults with non-traumatic, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. ⋯ Our study demonstrates that the use of the mechanical chest compression device LUCAS-2 represents poor value for money when compared to standard manual chest compression in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
In sick children who are unable to be weighed estimation of weight is often required, but the routinely used equations lack accuracy and precision. This study aimed to develop a novel equation (Children's European Estimator of Weight-CEEW) using measurements of mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) and other predictors in multinational groups of sick children in Europe. ⋯ The CEEW equations performed substantially better than other routinely used equations for weight estimation. An electronic application for mobile use is presented.