Upsala journal of medical sciences
Background: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a leading risk factor for end-stage renal disease and is one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes. It is possible that novel markers portraying the pathophysiological underpinning processes may be useful. Aim: To investigate the associations between 80 circulating proteins, measured by a proximity extension assay, and prevalent DKD and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in type 2 diabetes. ⋯ In patients with DKD, GDF-15 was significantly associated with increased risk of MACE after adjustments for baseline age, sex, microalbuminuria, and kidney function and (59 MACE events during 7 years follow-up, hazard ratio per standard deviation increase 1.43 [95% CI 1.03-1.98]) but not after further adjustments for cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusion: Our proteomics approach confirms and extends previous associations of higher circulating levels of GDF-15 with both micro- and macrovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes. Our data encourage additional studies evaluating the clinical utility of our findings.
Background: Percutaneous ablation of renal carcinoma is frequently a favourable treatment alternative, especially in elderly patients suffering from co-morbidities. Also, it is less resource-demanding than conventional surgery of renal carcinoma, and one may, therefore, assume that the incidence of this procedure may increase. Analgesia is necessary during this intervention. ⋯ Conclusions: This proof-of-concept study has shown that analgosedation during percutaneous ablation of renal carcinoma can be performed with a generally tolerable degree of patient satisfaction. However, pain occurs and should be managed adequately. Patient safety must be a major concern for the anaesthetic care.
Background: Prenatal depression is common, with an estimate that up to one in five pregnant women suffers from depressive symptoms. Maternal depression is associated with poor pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth and low birth-weight. Such outcomes possibly affect offspring development. ⋯ Results: There were no differences in levels of the glucocorticoid receptor or activity between groups (control, depressive symptoms, and SSRI treatment; n = 45). Similarly, there was no difference in placental glucocorticoid receptor levels or activity dependent upon foetal sex. Conclusion: Maternal depression and SSRI treatment do not affect the glucocorticoid receptors in the placenta.
Background: Human seminal prostasomes are intrinsically heterogeneous extracellular vesicles (EVs) whose composition is, additionally, influenced by different physiological conditions. Aiming at the molecular properties of the prostasomal surface exemplified by glycan compositions as a possible distinction factor, we applied lectin-affinity chromatography (LAC) as a new tool for their separation. Since glycans, generally, exhibit various biological activities, introduction of glyco-parameters as reference could upgrade standardization of EVs isolated by different methods and intended for use in biomedicine. ⋯ Additional populations having distinct profiles of total glycoproteins and which can be tracked down by ALP activity were enriched on the Con A column. WGA-separated populations were similar in sPro-N and sPro-O, whereas Con A-separated ones were strikingly different. Conclusions: Membrane-associated gamma-glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase in the context of Con A- and WGA-reactive glycans mark seminal prostasomes populations from normozoospermic and oligozoospermic men.
Background: An antibody panel is needed to definitively differentiate between adenocarcinoma (AC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in order to meet more stringent requirements for the histologic classification of lung cancers. Staining of desmosomal plaque-related proteins may be useful in the diagnosis of lung SCC. Materials and methods: We compared the usefulness of six conventional (CK5/6, p40, p63, CK7, TTF1, and Napsin A) and three novel (PKP1, KRT15, and DSG3) markers to distinguish between lung SCC and AC in 85 small biopsy specimens (41 ACs and 44 SCCs). ⋯ PKP1 and DSG3 are related to the prognosis. Conclusions: PKP1, KRT15, and DSG3 are highly specific for SCC, but they were more useful to differentiate between SCC and AC when used together and in combination with conventional markers. PKP1 and DSG3 expressions may have prognostic value.