Patient education and counseling
To describe the development and refinement of a scheme, detail of essential elements and participants in shared decision making (DEEP-SDM), for coding shared decision making (SDM) while reporting on the characteristics of decisions in a sample of patients with metastatic breast cancer. ⋯ A better understanding of how decisions unfold in the medical encounter can help inform the relationship of SDM to patient-reported outcomes.
The aim was to examine the role of talking (or remaining silent) in the physician's experience of coping with medical error. ⋯ This work may inform institutional policies, practices, and training to help physicians effectively prepare for and cope with medical error.
Training health professionals in shared decision-making: an international environmental scan.
To identify and analyze training programs in shared decision-making (SDM) for health professionals. ⋯ This study suggests there is a need for international consensus on ways to address the variability in SDM training programs. We need agreed criteria for certifying the programs and for determining the most effective types of training.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Development of PRIDe: a tool to assess physicians' preference of role in clinical decision making.
To develop and evaluate items for inclusion in PRIDe (Preferred Role in Decision Making), a new tool to assess changes of role preference among professionals exposed to training in shared decision making (SDM). ⋯ The PRIDe instrument can be used in the assessment of health professionals' attitude towards shared decision making after training in shared decision making. Additional research is needed to evaluate its validity before it can be recommended for use.