Patient education and counseling
The modern patient - threat or promise? Physicians' perspectives on patients' changing attributes.
The study focuses on physicians' ideas of their patients' attributes and examines how the German medical community employs the currently popular idea of the modern patient (mündiger Patient). ⋯ Reflecting on the complexity of physicians' views of patients 'desirable' attributes within a particular physician-patient interaction, helps to assess the physician's expectations of the patient, e.g. prevailing ideas on autonomy or responsibility and whether they really are in the interest of the individual patient.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
The effects of a shared decision-making intervention in primary care of depression: a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
Patient-centred depression care approaches should better address barriers of insufficient patient information and involvement in the treatment decision process. Additional research is needed to test the effect of increased patient participation on outcomes. The aim of this study was to assess, if patient participation in decision-making via a shared decision-making intervention leads to improved treatment adherence, satisfaction, and clinical outcome without increasing consultation time. ⋯ The study results encourage the implementation of patient participation in primary care of depression.
The goal of this paper is to show that nonverbal aspects in the physician-patient interaction play an important role. Interpersonal judgment relies mostly on nonverbal and appearance cues of the social interaction partner. This is also true for the physician-patient interaction. Moreover, physicians and patients tend to mirror some of their nonverbal behavior and complement each other on other aspects of their nonverbal behavior. Nonverbal cues emitted by the patient can contain important information for the doctor to use for treatment and diagnosis decisions. ⋯ Physician training could profit from incorporating knowledge about physician and patient nonverbal behavior.
Basic research and careful observation of clinical practice have yielded a vast amount of empirical data on communication in health care. This research has been guided by the assumption that good communication will be better understood and easier to teach when its single constituents are identified. This paper points to the limitation of this approach. ⋯ Including perceptions of the lived body (Leib) should improve research in clinical communication and teaching courses.
Describe the content and of mode of patient-physician-nurse interactions during ward-rounds in Internal Medicine. ⋯ Given the fact that in-patients in Interna Medicine usually present complex problems, the exchange of factual information, expectations, and concepts is of paramount importance. We hope that this paper is going to direct the attention of the scientific community to the characteristics of ward-rounds because they will remain the central marketplace of communication in hospital.