Patient education and counseling
The aim of this study was to discover the ways in which a training program on intimate partner abuse affected a doctor's daily practice. ⋯ Training on partner abuse should be specifically tailored to change awareness, attitudes and consultation skills.
There are several measurement tools to assess verbal dimensions in clinical encounters; in contrast, there is no established tool to evaluate physical nonverbal dimensions in geriatric encounters. The present paper describes the development of a tool to assess the physical context of exam rooms in doctor-older patient visits. ⋯ The tool can enable physicians to assess the spatial configuration of exam rooms (through Parts A and B) and thus facilitate the structuring of kinesic attributes (Part C).
Public opinion and professional organisations dominate the euthanasia debate, and there is a need to understand the opinions of people confronted with euthanasia. The aim of this study was to investigate whether patients and their GPs talk about euthanasia, and if so, how they communicate about this. ⋯ It is essential to pay attention to education in communication about dying and euthanasia and to train the GPs to gain insight in the patient's end-of-life preferences, and to direct care at the best possible quality of life.
This paper examines how the term "empowerment" has been used in relation to the care and education of patients with chronic conditions over the past decade. ⋯ The goals and outcomes of patient empowerment should neither be predefined by the health-care professionals, nor restricted to some disease and treatment-related outcomes, but should be discussed and negotiated with every patient, according to his/her own particular situation and life priorities.