Journal of vascular surgery
Injuries to the abdominal aorta are rare and remain one of the most lethal causes of early death in trauma. The purposes of this study were to identify primary predictors of mortality and to examine the impact of a well-established operating room resuscitation protocol on survival in patients with traumatic aortic injury. ⋯ Despite advances in fluid resuscitation, operative strategy, and transport during the past 20 years, the mortality of traumatic injury to the abdominal aorta remains high. Shock, acidosis, suprarenal aortic injury, and a lack of retroperitoneal tamponade all independently contribute to mortality and should raise the suspicion for a potentially lethal aortic injury in a severely injured patient. Rapid identification and resuscitation in the operating room may therefore be the only factors to improve current survival rates in such devastating injuries.
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Prospective evaluation of electroencephalography, carotid artery stump pressure, and neurologic changes during 314 consecutive carotid endarterectomies performed in awake patients.
This study attempted to correlate neurologic changes in awake patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy (CEA) under cervical block anesthesia (CBA) with electroencephalography (EEG) and measurement of carotid artery stump pressure (SP). ⋯ Ten percent of patients required a shunt placement during CEA under CBA. Shunt placement was necessary in 56.8% of patients with SP less than 40 mm Hg. EEG identified cerebral ischemia in only 59.4% of patients needing shunt placement, with a false-positive rate of 1.0% and a false-negative rate of 40.6%. Both SP and EEG as a guide to shunt placement have poor sensitivity. Intraoperative monitoring of the awake patients under regional anesthesia (CBA) is the most sensitive and specific method to identify patients requiring shunt placement.
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) is a complex congenital anomaly featuring two or more of the following: (1) capillary malformations (port-wine stains), (2) soft tissue or bony hypertrophy (or both), and (3) varicose veins or venous malformations. With the purpose of determining the actual significance of venous impairment in patients with KTS, we quantified the venous valvular competency and calf muscle pump function and examined their effect on clinical severity. ⋯ Venous disease in limbs with KTS is a major source of morbidity in affected patients. Limbs with KTS are characterized by complex reflux patterns, severe valvular incompetence, calf muscle pump impairment, and venous hypertension, thus explaining the advanced clinical severity (VCSS) and CEAP grade.
Intuitively, vascular procedures performed by high-volume vascular subspecialists working at high-volume institutions should be associated with improved patient outcome. Although a large number of studies assess the relationship between volume and outcome, a single contemporary compilation of such studies is lacking. ⋯ High-volume providers have significantly better outcomes for vascular procedures both in the elective and emergent setting. Subspeciality training also has a considerable impact. These data provide further evidence for the specialization of vascular services, whereby vascular procedures should generally be preformed by high-volume, speciality trained providers.
Comparative Study
Improved survival after introduction of an emergency endovascular therapy protocol for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms.
The study was conducted to demonstrate improved survival (30-day mortality) after the introduction of an emergency endovascular therapy protocol for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (rAAA). Numerous authors have successfully demonstrated reduced mortality in patients with rAAA using endovascular techniques. Comparison of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) with open repair for rAAA may be misleading, however, because EVAR cannot be performed on all patients, and selection bias may explain the superior performance of any given surgical or endovascular strategy. We developed a model to predict mortality in patients before the introduction of EVAR (preprotocol population), applied this model to predict 30-day mortality among prospective patients (postprotocol population), and compared observed vs expected results. ⋯ Our predictive model using "weighted" CUSUM analysis (a measure of performance over time) demonstrated that a predefined strategy of management of rAAA that includes EVAR is associated with improved (P < .05) mortality. Unstable patients with rAAA may be particularly benefited by EVAR and should not be excluded from repair. Appropriate patients with rAAA who are undergoing treatment in experienced vascular centers should be offered EVAR as the treatment of choice.