Journal of vascular surgery
Comparative Study
Age-related trends in utilization and outcome of open and endovascular repair for abdominal aortic aneurysm in the United States, 2001-2006.
This study used a large national administrative in-hospital database to compare utilization and age-specific outcomes between open repair (OAR) and endovascular (EVAR) repair for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). ⋯ As short-term surgical outcomes are consistently improving for patients undergoing AAA repair, elective EVAR has replaced OAR as the more common method of repair in the United States. The introduction of this technology has been rapidly adopted, particularly for the oldest-old surgical patients, aged >or=85 years, who previously may not have been offered surgical intervention for asymptomatic AAA. Further investigation is necessary to examine whether this trend improves the long-term survival and quality of life for this elderly population.
Endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair (EVAR) is associated with a decreased incidence of perioperative cardiac complications compared with open repair. However, EVAR is not associated with long-term survival benefit. This study assessed the effect of perioperative asymptomatic cardiac damage after EVAR on long-term prognosis. ⋯ Asymptomatic cardiac damage in patients undergoing EVAR is associated with poor long-term outcome. Routine perioperative cardiac screening after EVAR might be warranted.
We present a hybrid endovascular approach to a 6.5-cm aneurysm of the right-sided aortic arch with an aberrant left subclavian artery arising from a Kommerell diverticulum, connected to the left pulmonary artery through the ligamentum arteriosum. The two-step procedure consisted of a bilateral carotid-subclavian bypass, followed by an ascending aorta-bicarotid bypass and completed by an endovascular exclusion of the aneurysms by covering the whole aortic arch and its branches. The patient had no complications and is asymptomatic 21 months after surgery. Hybrid procedures may be helpful in complex aortic arch pathologies, reducing complications of challenging open surgery.
Comparative Study
The correlation of aortic neck length to early and late outcomes in endovascular aneurysm repair patients.
Initially, patients with a short angulated aortic neck were considered unfit for endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Recently, however, more liberal use of EVAR has been advocated. This study analyzes the correlation of aortic neck length to early and late outcomes. ⋯ EVAR can be used for patients with a short aortic neck; however, it was associated with a significantly higher rate of early and late type I endoleaks, resulting in an increased use of proximal aortic cuffs for sealing the endoleaks.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Randomized controlled trial of aspirin and clopidogrel versus aspirin and placebo on markers of smooth muscle proliferation before and after peripheral angioplasty.
In peripheral arterial disease (PAD) patients, a limiting factor in the success of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) is the development of restenosis secondary to vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation. Following endothelial damage and platelet activation, there is release of factors and adhesion molecules which affect SMC proliferation. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of combination antiplatelet therapy (clopidogrel and aspirin compared with aspirin and placebo) on the ability of plasma from PAD patients undergoing PTA to stimulate SMCs in vitro. We further aimed to investigate the effect of combination treatment on the levels of circulating adhesion molecules and factors, which are known to mediate SMC proliferation in experimental models. ⋯ High rates of restenosis remain the major limitation of peripheral arterial angioplasty and stenting.The restenotic lesion occurs secondary to platelet activation, released circulating factors, and subsequent smooth musclecell proliferation and migration into the intima. Methods to limit the restenotic lesion are poorly understood. This paperinvestigates the effect of PTA on smooth muscle cell activation and the release of factors in plasma which mediate SMCproliferation. It also examines the effect of combination antiplatelet therapy as a potential therapeutic strategy.