Journal of vascular surgery
Comparative Study
Comparable perioperative mortality outcomes in younger patients undergoing elective open and endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
Evidence for benefit of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) over open surgical repair for de novo infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) in younger patients remains conflicting because of heterogeneous study populations and small sample sizes. The objective of this study was to compare perioperative and short-term outcomes for EVAR and open surgery in younger patients using a large national disease and procedure-specific data set. ⋯ In this study of younger patients undergoing repair of infrarenal AAA, 30-day morbidity and mortality for both open surgery and EVAR are low, and the absolute mortality difference is small. The prior published perioperative mortality and 1-year survival benefit of EVAR over open AAA repair is not observed in younger patients. Further studies of long-term durability are needed to guide decision-making for open repair vs EVAR in this population.
Comparative Study
Anesthetic type and hospital outcomes after carotid endarterectomy from the Vascular Quality Initiative database.
Studies on the safety of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) under different anesthetic techniques are sometimes contradictory. The aim of this study was to compare real-world outcomes of CEA under general anesthesia (GA) vs regional or local anesthesia (RA/LA). ⋯ Patients undergoing CEA under GA have higher odds of postoperative MI, acute CHF, and hemodynamic instability compared with those undergoing CEA under RA/LA. They are also more likely to stay in the hospital for >1 day. However, the overall risk of cardiac adverse events after CEA was low, which made the differences clinically irrelevant. The choice of anesthesia approach to CEA should be driven by the team's experience and the patient's risk factors and preference.
Multicenter Study
Preliminary results of endovascular aneurysm sealing from the multicenter Italian Research on Nellix Endoprosthesis (IRENE) study.
Because of advances in technology and experience of the operator, endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) has supplanted open repair to treat abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). The low 30-day mortality and morbidity of EVAR make the endovascular approach particularly suitable for patients at high surgical risk. However, endoleak or endograft migration requiring secondary intervention or open surgical conversion is a limitation of EVAR. The Nellix system (Endologix, Inc, Irvine, Calif) has been designed to seal the entire AAA to overcome these limitations with EVAR. We report the results of a retrospective, multicenter study with endovascular aneurysm sealing (EVAS) aimed to assess technical success, procedure-related mortality, complications, and reinterventions. ⋯ The preliminary results of this real-world multicenter study showed that EVAS with Nellix for the management of AAAs appears feasible. This device platform is associated with acceptable procedure-related mortality and low overall complication and reintervention rates. Definitive conclusions on the value of this novel device await long-term follow-up data.
Frailty is associated with adverse events, length of stay, and nonhome discharge after vascular surgery. Frailty measures based on walking-based tests may be impractical or invalid for patients with walking impairment from symptoms or sequelae of vascular disease. We hypothesized that grip strength is associated with frailty, comorbidity, and cardiac risk among patients with vascular disease. ⋯ Grip strength is useful for identifying frailty among patients with vascular disease. Frail status based on grip strength is associated with comorbidity, cardiac risk, and sarcopenia in this population. These findings suggest that grip strength may have utility as a simple and inexpensive risk screening tool that is easily implemented in ambulatory clinics, avoids the need for imaging, and overcomes possible limitations of walking-based measures. Lower mean psoas diameters among patients with PAD vs other diagnoses may warrant consideration of specific approaches to morphomic analysis.
Open surgical repair remains the "gold standard" treatment for chronic type B aortic dissection (cTBD) with aneurysm. Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) has gained popularity in recent years for the treatment of thoracic aortic diseases, including cTBD. We assessed the effectiveness of TEVAR in the treatment of cTBD using the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI) database. ⋯ TEVAR for cTBD may be performed with acceptable rates of morbidity and mortality. Changes in sac diameter in the midterm are promising. Long-term data are needed to determine whether this approach is durable.