European journal of anaesthesiology
Letter Case Reports
Difficulty in use and device failure with the intubating laryngeal mask airway.
The common parameters of the electroencephalogram quantify a shift of its power spectrum towards lower frequencies with increasing anaesthetic drug concentrations (e.g. spectral-edge frequency 95). These ad hoc parameters are not optimized for the content of information with regard to drug effect. Using semilinear canonical correlation, different frequency ranges (bins) of the power spectrum can be weighted for sensitivity to changes of drug concentration by multiplying their power with iteratively determined coefficients, yielding a new (canonical univariate) electroencephalographic parameter. ⋯ The canonical univariate parameter calculated with individually optimized coefficients, but not with mean coefficients, correlates more accurately and consistently with the effect site concentrations of volatile anaesthetics than with spectral-edge frequency 95.
The study evaluated the manpower requirements in anaesthesia in Belgium until 2020. The basic intent was to estimate the need for anaesthesiologists in different hospitals because the number of medical students will be reduced to 700 in 2004 and to 600 in 2007 (numerus clausus), and the number of trainees in anaesthesia from 110 to 42 (best scenario) or to 21 (worst scenario). Simultaneous anaesthesia (more than one patient at the same time) is not allowed by our professional safety rules or by the Belgian Ministry of Public Health. The questions are: will we have enough anaesthesiologists in the next 20 years, and is there a need for nurses to administer anaesthesia? This professional title of nurse anaesthetist does not presently exist in Belgium. ⋯ Will anaesthesiologists accept their present high workload for the next 20 years? If not, the consequences will be serious. Three-quarters (75.4%) of the replies identified a need for more anaesthesiologists and considered that an anaesthesiologist supervising anaesthesia nurses for a number of patients simultaneously was a possible solution.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Cost-reduction analysis of propofol versus sevoflurane: maintenance of anaesthesia for gynaecological surgery using the bispectral index.
The study was designed to compare the costs of propofol versus sevoflurane for the maintenance of the hypnotic component of anaesthesia during general anaesthesia, guided by the bispectral index, for gynaecological laparoscopic surgery. ⋯ When applying the bispectral index to guide the administration of hypnotic anaesthetic drugs, propofol-based maintenance of anaesthesia was associated with the highest cost. A trend towards a better recovery profile was obtained with propofol. However, on the day after discharge, no differences in quality were observed.
Severe complications such as spinal epidural haematoma and an array of adverse neurological events leading to temporary or permanent disability have been ascribed to central neuraxial blocks. Infections (meningitis, abscesses), chemical injuries and very rarely cerebral ischaemia or haemorrhage, or both, have also been ascribed directly or indirectly to spinal and/or epidural anaesthesia. ⋯ The attention of investigators and practitioners is focused both on understanding the causative mechanisms of such accidents and in identifying 'alarm events' that can arise during the administration of a central block, if any. We reviewed the international literature for the neurological complications of central neuraxial blocks to identify some events that, if they occurred during the block procedure, could be perceived as dangerous.