European journal of anaesthesiology
Randomized Controlled Trial
Incidence of postoperative sore throat after using a new Laryngeal Mask Airway Supreme insertion technique: A randomised controlled trial.
Sore throat is a common complication after Laryngeal Mask Airway Supreme (SLMA) insertion. ⋯ The new insertion technique, leaving the blocker attached to the end of the pilot balloon, resulted in a reduced incidence and severity of postoperative sore throat in the PACU, and an improved first-attempt success rate and the accuracy of SLMA positioning.
Memory priming seems possible even during apparently adequate anaesthesia. However, the effects of different anaesthetics and type of stimuli, by virtue of their specific neural underpinnings, have not been considered. ⋯ Intra-operative memory for words can form during apparently adequate BIS-guided anaesthesia but is modified by propofol or sevoflurane acting on different brain targets. Further studies on larger samples and using neuroimaging techniques are needed.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Supraglottic jet oxygenation and ventilation reduces desaturation during bronchoscopy under moderate to deep sedation with propofol and remifentanil: A randomised controlled clinical trial.
Hypoxaemia is frequently seen during flexible bronchoscopies that are done with a nasal approach under the traditional sedation with propofol. This study investigated the potential benefits of supraglottic jet oxygenation and ventilation (SJOV) using the Wei nasal jet tube (WNJ) in reducing hypoxaemia in patients undergoing bronchoscopy under moderate to deep intravenous sedation using a propofol, lidocaine and remifentanil cocktail. ⋯ SJOV via a WNJ during flexible bronchoscopy under moderate to deep sedation with propofol and remifentanil significantly reduces the incidence of desaturation when compared with regular oxygen supplementation via a nasal cannula. Patients in the SJOV group had an increased incidence of transient dry mouth.
Real-time ultrasound-guided (USG) spinal injection is generally performed via the paramedian sagittal oblique (PMSO) ultrasound window. ⋯ 'Dry tap' occurs in 9.7% of cases during real-time USG spinal injection using the PMSO ultrasound window, with the patient in the lateral decubitus position and the spinal needle inserted from the nondependent side.