Journal of applied physiology
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Specific modulation of spinal and cortical excitabilities during lengthening and shortening submaximal and maximal contractions in plantar flexor muscles.
This study investigated the influence of the torque produced by plantar flexor muscles on cortical and spinal excitability during lengthening and shortening voluntary contractions. To that purpose, modulations of motor-evoked potential (MEP) and Hoffmann (H) reflex were compared in the soleus (SOL) and medial gastrocnemius (MG) during anisometric submaximal and maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the plantar flexor muscles. For the submaximal shortening and lengthening contractions, the target torque was set at 50% of their respective MVC force. ⋯ In addition, the silent period in the ongoing electromyogram (EMG) activity following the MEP was significantly (P < 0.01) briefer during lengthening than shortening contractions but did not differ (P > 0.05) between contraction intensities and muscles. Together, these results indicate that cortical and spinal mechanisms involved in the modulation of muscle activation during shortening and lengthening contractions differ between synergistic muscles according to the torque produced. Data further document previous studies reporting that the specific modulation of muscle activation during lengthening contraction is not torque dependent.
Excessive erythrocytosis (EE) is the hallmark of chronic mountain sickness (CMS), a prevalent syndrome in high-altitude Andean populations. Although hypoxemia represents its underlying stimulus, why some individuals develop EE despite having altitude-normal blood erythropoietin (Epo) concentration is still unclear. A soluble form of the Epo receptor (sEpoR) has been identified in human blood and competes directly for Epo with its membrane counterpart (mEpoR). ⋯ Also, we showed that the latter varies as an inverse exponential function of arterial pulse O2 saturation. Our findings suggests that EE is strongly associated with higher Epo/sEpoR values, leading to elevated plasma Epo availability to bind mEpoR, and thereby a stronger stimulus for augmented erythropoiesis. Differences in the altitude normal and high Epo CMS patients with a progressively higher Epo/sEpoR supports the hypothesis of the existence of two genetically different subgroups suffering from EE and possibly different degrees of adaptation to chronic high-altitude hypoxia.
In patients with combined obesity and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), dyspnea intensity at matched work rates during weight-supported cycling and weight-bearing walking is similar, despite consistent metabolic differences between test modalities. The present study examined the influence of differences in activity of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles during cycling and walking on intensity and quality of dyspnea at matched ventilation in obese patients with COPD. We compared respiratory muscle activity patterns and dyspnea ratings during incremental cycle and treadmill exercise tests, where work rate was matched, in 12 obese (body mass index 36.6 ± 5.4 kg/m(2); mean ± SD) patients with moderate COPD. ⋯ The cycling position was associated with greater neuromuscular efficiency of the diaphragm (P < 0.01), greater diaphragm use (P < 0.01) measured by the ventilatory muscle recruitment index, and less expiratory muscle activity compared (P < 0.01) with treadmill walking. However, intensity and quality of dyspnea were similar between exercise modalities. In obese patients with COPD, altered respiratory muscle activity due to body position differences between cycling and walking did not modulate perceived dyspnea when indirect measures of respiratory neural drive were unchanged.