Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery
Cervical kyphosis is rare in the pediatric population. It may be syndromic or acquired secondary to laminectomy, neoplasia, or trauma. Regardless, this should be avoided to prevent progressive spinal deformity and neurological deficit. Long-term follow-up is needed to evaluate fusion status, spine growth, potential instability, and neurological function. ⋯ Syndromic pathology presented early with neurological dysfunction and 24% had rigid kyphosis. An attempt at traction/reduction was successful as in Tables 1 and 2. The majority exhibited long-term improvement in kyphosis and function. A treatment algorithm and literature review is presented. Table 1 Motor function of the modified Japanese Orthopedic Association (JOA) score in children [24, 37] Score Upper extremity •Unable to move hands or feed oneself 0 •Can move hands; unable to eat with spoon 1 •Able to eat with spoon with difficulty 2 •Able to use spoon; clumsy with buttoning 3 •Healthy; no dysfunction 4 Lower extremity •Unable to sit or stand 0 •Unable to walk without cane or walker 1 •Walks independently on level floor but needs support on stairs 2 •Capable to walking, clumsy 3 •No dysfunction 4 Table 2 Pediatric cervical kyphosis-preoperative evaluations Case ID, year presented Age Sex Diagnosis Presentation Imaging Apex Cobb angle degree Reducibility Preop traction Syndromic #1 2003 4 years M SED Progressive quadriparesis Bladder incontinence Severe C2-4 kyphosis with cord compression C3-4 85° No No #2 2001 3 years M SED Progressive quadriparesis C2-3 kyphosis. No dorsal C2. Buckled cord C2-3 25° No No Recurrent weakness after recovery 2 years later Kyphosis at fusion site C2-3 33° No No #3 1997 13 years M SED Neck pain. Hand weakness. Thoracic scoliosis C1-3 kyphosis Os odontoideum C2-3 30° Yes No #4 2006 6 years F SED Tingling in hands Bladder incontinence Deformed C2 body and odontoid C1-2 instability C2-3 27° Yes No #5 1997 4 years M SMD Quadriparesis. Previous C2-3 kyphosis with O-C3 dorsal fusion elsewhere Fixed C1-2 dislocation. C2-3 kyphosis. O-C4 fusion C2 35° Partial Yes 4 days #6 2007 13 years F Syndromic collagen abnormality Neck pain. Leg length discrepancies. T-L scoliosis. Quadriparesis Bilateral C2 and partial C3 spondylolysis C-T levoscoliosis C2-3 35° Partial Yes 4 days #7 2003 14 years F Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) Only able to use right upper extremity C3-5 kyphosis. Canal diameter 4 mm at C4 C4 25° No No #8 1989 3 years F OI - Bruck's syndrome Quadriparesis age 9 months. Had C1-C3 posterior decompression and fusion elsewhere Progressive kyphosis Worse weakness Bend in fusion C1-2 40° No No #9 1996 11 years M Aarskog syndrome Neck pain with limited neck motion Cervical myelopathy Psychomotor delay C4-5 spondylolysis C5-6 kyphosis C5 30° No Yes 3 days #10 1989 3½ years F Weaver syndrome Quadriparesis age 2 years. Elsewhere C1-C3 dorsal rib fusion and wires Fusion failure C2-3 subluxation Cord compression C2-3 3° Yes Yes 1 day #11 1986 11 years F Larsen syndrome Neck pain in extension Quadriparesis C2-3 kyphosis. Deformed bodies C2-5 Os odontoideum C1-2 instability C2-3 28° Yes Yes 1 day #12 1996 5 years M Multilevel cervical disconnect syndrome Horner pupil on right Small right arm Quadriparesis C4, C5 vertebral bodies behind C5 C5 body in canal Left vertebral artery in C5 body C4-5 35° No No #13 1985 3 years F Klippel-Feil Neck pain. Weak hands Atlas assimilation C3-4 kyphosis No posterior bony arches C3, C4 C3-4 40° Yes No #14 1994 3 years F Klippel-Feil Unable to sit. Floppy. Quadriparesis C2-3 kyphosis No posterior arches C2-3 and L4 C2-3 45° Yes No #15 1993 11 months F Tuberous sclerosis Spondylolysis C2 Salam seizures Quadriparesis No pars C2 C2-3 kyphosis C2-3 30° Yes No #16 1998 2 years M C2 spondylolysis Quadriparesis, arms worse than legs C2 spondylolysis C2-3 kyphosis C2-3 35° Yes No #17 1998 6 months M C2 spondylolysis Failure to thrive Apneic spells Weak in arms after endoscopy C2-3 kyphosis No C2 lamina Cord compression C3-4 on MRI C2-3 45° Yes No #18 1990 4 years F C2 spondylolysis Developmental delay Quadriparesis C2 spondylolysis C2-3 kyphosis C3 45° Yes No #19 1994 4 years F Klippel-Feil No posterior C2 Torticollis age 6 mo Quadriparesis C2-3 kyphosis No posterior arch C2 Fused C3-4 bodies C2-3 45° Yes No Non-syndromic #20 1996 15 years M NF1. Ventral prevertebral plexiform neurofibroma Neck pain Weak arms Cervical myelopathy C4-5 kyphosis Cord draped over C4-5 Enhanced prevertebral tumor C4-5 60° Partial Yes 4 days #21 1996 6 years M NF1 Age 6 mo had C1-3 laminectomies elsewhere Progressive kyphosis Quadriparesis C3-5 plexiform neurofibromas C2-4 kyphosis C3-4 45° No No #22 1993 11 years M "Fibromatosis" Neck pain Gag ↓ Right hemiparesis C2 body and odontoid curved dorsally C2-3 kyphosis C2 40° No Yes 3 days #23 2007 13 F Mid-cervical kyphosis Neck pain Unable to move neck C3-4 kyphosis C3-4 45° Yes Halo vest elsewhere 6 weeks Repeat traction on referral #24 1998 12 years M Chiari I Syringohydromyelia Difficulty swallowing Quadriparesis Previous posterior fossa and C1-3 decompression Basilar invagination C3-4 kyphosis C3-4 50° Yes Halo traction 3 days #25 1994 16 years M Chiari I. SHM Difficult speech Quadriparesis Previous posterior fossa and C1-4 laminectomies C3-4 kyphosis Basilar invagination C3-4 55° Yes Halo traction 3 days #26 2002 11 years M Chordoma C3-5 Initial quadriparesis improved after posterior decompression then worse Dorsal and lateral tumor C3-4 C3-4 20° Yes Traction 3 days #27 2006 13 years M C4 lamina Aneurysmal bone cyst Neck and shoulder pain C4 laminectomy for tumor resection Worse 4 months later C4-5 kyphosis C3-4 40° Yes No Table 3 Pediatric cervical kyphosis-postoperative evaluations Case ID Diagnosis Treatment-operation Complication PO orthosis F/U time Fusion status Preop Cobb Postop Cobb Preop JOA Postop JOA Comments Syndromic #1 SED Crown halo traction 1. Median mandibular glossotomy. Resection C2-3 bodies with rib graft fusion 2. Dorsal O-C3 rib graft fusion None Halo vest 3 months Soft collar 3 months 8 years Complete anterior and posterior fusion 85° 10° 2 8 Complete neurological recovery #2 SED Crown halo traction 1. Median mandibular glossotomy. C2-4 corpectomies. C2-5 anterior rib graft fusion Recurrent weakness 2 years s later Halo vest 3 months 2 years Fused 25° 20° 4 5 T. scoliosis. Cardiac abnormalities. Walking then quadriparesis Redo ventral resection and C1-4 iliac bone graft Worsening quadriparesis Minerva brace 1 year 18 years Fused 33° 15° 3 5 Much improved in 6 months #3 SED Crown halo traction Dorsal O-C4 fusion with loop and rib graft None Miami J collar 3 months 10 years Fused 30° 13° 4 7 Works in bookstore #4 SED Crown halo traction Dorsal O-C3 fusion with loop and rib graft 4 years later developed C-T scoliosis after T. scoliosis surgery Miami J collar 3 months 14 years Fused 27° 5° 5 7 C-T scoliosis developed after thoracic scoliosis correction #5 SMD Crown halo traction Transoral C2 odontoid resection None Minerva brace 6 months 20 years No from preop status 35° 10° 1 4 In wheelchair. Works as programmer #6 Collagen abnormality Crown halo traction C2-5 ACDF C2-5 plate with C3-4 lag screws Junctional kyphosis 7 years later after scoliosis correction Miami J collar 6 weeks 12 years Fused 36° 5° 4 7 Abnormal vertebral arteries. Thoracic outlet syndrome May-Thurner syndrome #7 OI Crown halo traction C3-5 corpectomies C2-6 Orion plate with iliac crest graft None Soft collar 4 years Fused 25° 30° 1 5 Restrictive lung disease. Multiple fractures Expired #8 OI - Bruck syndrome 1. Redo C1-2 dorsal rib graft fusion No change Molded Minerva brace 4 years Fused 40° 35° 3 4 Increased weakness age 7 2. 11 years age anterior C3-7 decompression and plate C3-7 Worsening left deltoid and biceps function Molded Minerva brace 30 years Fused 52° 34° 3 5 Lives alone. Wheelchair. Computer technologist Uses hands well #9 Aarskog syndrome Crown halo traction C2-6 anterior cervical fusion with iliac crest graft None Molded Minerva brace 20 years Fused 30° 14° 4 7 Works on a farm. No myelopathy. Syndrome in family #10 Weaver syndrome Crown halo traction Redo C1-4 dorsal rib graft fusion None Miami J collar 2 years Fused 3° 10° 2 5 Neuroblastoma age 3 months. Chemotherapy Stable #11 Larsen syndrome Crown halo traction O-C5 dorsal fusion None Halo vest 6 weeks Miami J 3 months 6 years Fused 28° 10° 3 7 Doing well #12 Multilevel cervical disconnect syndrome Crown halo traction C5 corpectomy C4-6 iliac bone fusion anteriorly Dorsal C4-6 fusion None Halo vest 3 months 5 years Fused 35° 5° 3 7 Persistent Horner pupil #13 Klippel-Feil Crown halo traction C2-6 posterior rib graft fusion None Halo vest 3 months 19 years Fused 40° 12° 3 7 Hearing loss Genitourinary abnormalities Sprengel's deformity #14 Klippel-Feil Crown halo C2-5 dorsal rib graft fusion None Halo vest 3 months 35 years Fused 45° 10° 1 6 Hearing loss Genitourinary abnormalities #15 Tuberous sclerosis Spondylolysis C2 C1-4 dorsal interlaminar rib fusion None Halo vest 3 months 6 years Fused 30° 5° 1 6 Psychomotor delay #16 C2 spondylolysis C1-4 dorsal interlaminar fusion None Halo vest 3 months 4 years Fused 35° 10° 2 6 Recovered full function in one year #17 C2 spondylolysis Tracheostomy Molded cervicothoracic brace None Mold brace 4 years 6 years Formed C2 posterior arches 45° 20° 1 3 Reformed C2 at 4 years on CT Parents did not wish surgery #18 C2 spondylolysis Intraoperative traction C1-3 dorsal rib graft fusion None Neck brace 4 months 8 years Fused 45° 12° 2 5 Developed C2 posterior elements #19 Klippel-Feil Intraoperative traction O-C4 fusion with rib graft None Molded brace 6 months 1 years Fused O-C2 dorsally 45° 16° 1 4 Able to sit and use hands Non-syndromic #20 NF1 Resection of ventral tumor C3-6 C4-5 corpectomies; C4-5 iliac graft; C3-7 Orion plate None Halo vest 6 weeks 14 years Fused 60° 15° 3 7 Recovered in 6 weeks. Works on a farm #21 NF1 Intraoperative traction Resect prevertebral tumor C2-5 kyphectomies; C2-6 anterior fusion iliac crest None Halo vest 3 months 2 years Fused 45° 20° 3 5 Initial C1-3 decompression done elsewhere #22 Fibromatosis 1. Transoral C2 decompression 2. Dorsal O-C3 fusion with loop None Brace 3 months 12 years Fused 40° 12° 4 6 Age 2 years had neck mass resected. Diagnosis "fibromatosis" #23 Mid-cervical kyphosis Traction C2-5 lateral mass fusion with screws, rods and rib grafts Worse after removal of initial traction Brace 3 months 8 years Fused 45° 15° 7 8 Doing well #24 Chiari I SHM Intraoperative traction O-C5 rib graft fusion None Halo vest 3 months 21 years Fused 50° 7° 2 6 Facets atrophied C2, C3 at surgery #25 Chiari I SHM Intraoperative traction O-C5 dorsal fusion with loop and rib None Miami J brace 4 months 22 years Fused 55° 10° 3 6 Facets atrophied C2-4 at surgery #26 Chordoma C3-4 1. Dorsal lateral C3-6 fusion 2. C2-5 anterior fusion with iliac bone None Miami J brace 6 months 18 years Fused 20° 12° 5 8 Weak in hands after initial surgery elsewhere #27 ABC tumor C4 Anterior C3-5 fusion with plate and bone None Miami J brace 4 weeks 12 years Fused 40° 15° 5 8 No recurrence SED spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, SMD spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, JOA Japanese Orthopedic Association, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, SHM syringohydromyelia, NF1 neurofibromatosis type 1, f/u follow up, OI osteogenesis imperfecta, CT computed tomography, JK junctional kyphosis.
Percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy (PTED) is an alternative procedure to open microdiscectomy (OM) to treat sciatica caused by lumbar disk herniation. Even though robust evidence comparing PTED with OM is lacking, PTED is becoming increasingly popular to treat spinal disorders. In this technical report, the surgical technique and outcomes of PTED in a 9-year-old patient are described. Furthermore, an overview of the literature on full-endoscopic techniques to treat sciatica is given, showing that PTED is feasible, safe and effective to treat lumbar disk herniation in the pediatric population.
3D printing technology has evolved over the years and there is a growing interest in its application in paediatric neurosurgery. Modern 3D printers have enabled the development of patient-specific 3D models that provide a realistic representation of complex anatomies and will aid in planning complex procedures. ⋯ Surgical simulation training with biomodel has provided a new paradigm for trainees to master their surgical skills before encountering similar scenarios in real-life environment. This paper reviews the aspects of 3D printing for preoperative planning and simulation-based surgical training in paediatric neurosurgery.
COVID-19 pandemic has influenced all aspects of societies, with the healthcare being the most affected field. All specialties including neurosurgery are involved, and due to resource limitations, the number of elective surgeries in subspecialized filed has substantially decreased. Herein, we report our practice experience in pediatric neurosurgery in a tertiary hospital during pandemic, and the effects of pandemic on educational issues. ⋯ CVID-19 pandemic changed all scopes of medical practice and training. Considering the limitation in the available resources, the number of educational cases may decrease in subspecialized disciplines like pediatric neurosurgery. If pandemic continues, alternative measures should be taken to compensate for the shortcoming in technical and practical training.
The recent VNS models (AspireSR® Model 106, SenTiva™ Model 1000 (VNS Therapy®, LivaNova)) include a new function of cardiac-based seizure detection (CBSD) automatic stimulation, known as 'AutoStim'. This algorithm uses tachycardia as a proxy to a seizure, and the battery delivers a closed-loop electrical current in addition to its programmed stimulation. This function leads to further seizure reduction in adults, but this advantage has not been reported in the paediatric population. This study aims to investigate whether battery change with AutoStim leads to further seizure reduction in children. ⋯ This is the first study to demonstrate the additional efficacy of AutoStim in children treated with VNS.