European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Accuracy and reproducibility of 3D-CT measurements for early response assessment of chemoradiotherapy in patients with oesophageal cancer.
Chemoradiotherapy is increasingly applied in patients with oesophageal cancer. The aim of the present study was to determine whether 3D-CT volumetry is able to differentiate between responding and non-responding oesophageal tumours early in the course of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. ⋯ Tumour volume changes after 14 days of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy as measured by 3D-CT were not associated with histopathological tumour response. CT volumetry should not be used for early response assessment in patients with potentially curable oesophageal cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy.
In cancer patients with malignant pleural effusions(MPEs),the commonest procedure to treat them with palliative intention is talc pleurodesis (TP) which can be obtained with talc slurry (TS) using small-bore catheters(SBC)or with thoracoscopic poudrage. SBC use is therefore rapidly increasing. The aim of this paper is to present our preliminary TP results using a new percutaneous chest drainage system(UNICO®, Redax, Mirandola Modena, Italy). ⋯ TS through UNICO® is safe and efficient. The drainage was well-tolerated by all patients, even in case of its long-term stay. We may conclude that bedside TS through this new small-bore percutaneous drainage should be proposed as a viable clinical solution for MPEs in ECOG PS 3-4 patients, unfit for a thoracoscopic procedure. Moreover, with this device, we believe that TS might be an accessible procedure for pulmonologists and oncologists too.
A lack of consistency in the definition of breast cancer related lymphoedema (BCRL) and of uniform measurement criteria contribute to the wide prevalence range found in current literature. This report aims to describe the long-term prevalence of BCRL and secondly, to compare the long-term prevalence of BCRL when assessed by two objective measures and one subjective measure. ⋯ The prevalence of BCRL more than five years after surgical treatment differs depending on the measuring method used. Our data underlines the necessity for consensus on the diagnostic criteria for BCRL.
To evaluate if intra-operative guidance with ultrasonography (US) could improve surgical accuracy of palpable breast cancer excision, and to evaluate the performance of surgeons during training for US-guided excision. ⋯ Surgeons can easily learn the skills needed to perform intra-operative US for palpable breast tumour excision. The technique is non-invasive, simple, safe and effective for obtaining adequate resection margins. Within the first two cases, resections reached optimal volumes, thereby, presumably resulting in improved cosmetic outcomes. In a multicentre, randomised, clinical trial, intra-operative US guidance for palpable breast tumours will be evaluated for oncological and cosmetic outcomes.
In breast cancer patients (≥70 years), tumour resection plus tamoxifen (T + T) has a higher loco-regional relapse (LR) rate than mastectomy. This study examines factors influencing local recurrence in these cases. ⋯ Tumour resection + Tamoxifen in older patients results in long-term local control in the majority with most loco-regional failures being salvageable. Risk factors for LR are lympho-vascular invasion, ER status and tumour necrosis. Negative tumour excision margins did not significantly change local outcome in the absence of radiotherapy. In these older patients LVI significantly reduced survival time.