Annals of Saudi medicine
Annals of Saudi medicine · May 2005
Comparative Study Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical TrialQuantification of proteinuria with urinary protein to osmolality ratios in children with and without renal insufficiency.
Spot urine is recommended as an accurate method to determine proteinuria in children and adults. However, urinary excretion of creatinine may vary in newborns and spot urine may be influenced by the hydration-dehydration condition of patients. The study was done to assess the validity of the urine protein to osmolality ratio versus the urine protein to creatinine ratio in health and disease conditions. ⋯ Both the Uprot/Uosm and Up/Ucr ratios from random urine specimens are good predictors of 24-hour urinary total protein excretion in children with and without renal insufficiency.
Annals of Saudi medicine · May 2005
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialValidation of an Arabic translation of the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale.
Depression is a common condition in primary care medicine in all population groups. We wanted to validate an Arabic translation Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale for Arabic speakers as it has been validated in a number of other languages. ⋯ We believe the Arabic translation of the English Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale is valid and reliable, and will be useful to practitioners who would like to use this tool in Arabic-speaking patients.
Annals of Saudi medicine · May 2005
ReviewStructured continuous objective-based assessment of resident's performance at point of care (SCOPA).
The assessment of the clinical performance of physicians-in-training is an important task. The critical care rotation is a mandatory rotation for most residency training programs and is designed to ensure the graduation of trainees who are able to initiate lifesaving management during medical emergencies. Ensuring that each resident fulfills the objectives of the rotation is of paramount importance. ⋯ In this review, the current assessment method is analyzed, and causes for inaccuracy are identified. A new model for assessment that is continuous, structured, objective-based and at the point of care (SCOPA) is proposed based on the best available assessment methods. Such a model might be useful for the assessment of trainee's performance in critical care as well as non-critical care rotations.
Annals of Saudi medicine · May 2005
Epidemiology of needlestick injuries among health care workers in a secondary care hospital in Saudi Arabia.
Accidental needlestick injuries sustained by health care workers are a common occupational hazard in health care settings. The aim of this study was to review the epidemiology of needlestick injuries in Buraidah Central Hospital, a 212-bed secondary care hospital in Buraidah, Saudi Arabia. ⋯ This data emphasizes the importance of increased awareness, training and education of health care workers for reporting and prevention of needlestick injuries.