Anaesthesia and intensive care
Pulsed radiofrequency is a growingly popular pain treatment modality. However, its clinical efficacy remains controversial. In this review, the available literature on pulsed radiofrequency is critically analysed to determine its clinical efficacy. ⋯ Of the two randomised controlled trials, one reported efficacy of the pulsed radiofrequency while the other reported it to be ineffective. The majority of the uncontrolled and observational studies reported clinical efficacy of pulsed radiofrequency, however many of these studies had limitations. Further randomised controlled clinical trials are recommended in order for the practising pain physician to clearly understand the role of pulsed radiofrequency in the treatment of various chronic pain syndromes.
Anaesth Intensive Care · Dec 2007
Clinical TrialPropofol-induced hyperamylasaemia in a general intensive care unit.
This study examined the incidence of hyperamylasaemia, in the absence of other plausible causes of pancreatic dysfunction, in intensive care unit (ICU) patients who received propofol. One-hundred-and-seventy-two consecutive patients of a general ICU who stayed for more than 24 hours were studied. Patients with a diagnosis consistent with elevated serum amylase levels at admission were excluded from the study, as were patients who had received medications known to raise serum amylase levels. ⋯ Of the 14 patients who did not receive propofol (aged 51 +/- 18 years), only two (14%) developed hyperamylasaemia, a significantly lower incidence (P = 0.021). Propofol infusion is associated with biochemical evidence of pancreatic injury. Amylase levels monitoring of propofol-sedated patients is warranted.
Anaesth Intensive Care · Dec 2007
Thrombocytopenia in septic shock patients--a prospective observational study of incidence, risk factors and correlation with clinical outcome.
The objectives of the study were to study the incidence of various degrees of severity of thrombocytopenia in septic shock, the risk factors for its development and the correlation with clinical outcome. Complete blood counts, chemistry panel, arterial lactate, serum cortisol, APACHE II score, logistic organ dysfunction score and SOFA score were determined in 69 septic shock patients within 24 hours of admission or onset of septic shock. We followed the patients until they died or for six months to determine the mortality rate. ⋯ Thrombocytopenic patients had 1.4 times the risk of mortality and lower survival probability at six months (log rank test P = 0.03). In conclusion, thrombocytopenia is common in septic shock and is associated with worse clinical outcome. Higher SOFA score, low P(a)Os/FiO2 ratio and high vasopressor dose are independent risk factors for development of thrombocytopenia in septic shock.
Anaesth Intensive Care · Dec 2007
Case ReportsSupplemental jet ventilation in conscious patients following major oesophageal surgery.
Intensive care unit patients are at particular risk of respiratory failure after major abdominal surgery. Non-invasive ventilation or application of continuous positive airway pressure through a face mask may stabilise respiratory function and avoid the need for endotracheal re-intubation. However; there are various contraindications to non-invasive ventilation and/or tracheal re-intubation, such as recent oesophageal anastomosis, anastomotic leakage or tracheal stenting for tracheo-oesophageal fistula. A specific management strategy consisting of continuous intratracheal jet ventilation to support spontaneous respiratory function is described in two patients with contraindications to non-invasive ventilation or mask continuous positive airway pressure after major oesophageal surgery.
Levosimendan is emerging as a novel cardioprotective inotrope. Levosimendan augments myocardial contractility by sensitising contractile myofilaments to calcium without increasing myosin adenosine triphosphatase activity or oxygen consumption. Levosimendan activates cellular adenosine triphosphate-dependent potassium channels, a mechanism which is postulated to protect cells from ischaemia in a manner similar to ischaemic preconditioning. ⋯ Adenosine triphosphate-dependent potassium channel activation by levosimendan may also be protective in other tissues, such as coronary vascular endothelium, kidney and brain. Clinical trials in patients with decompensated heart failure and myocardial ischaemia show levosimendan to improve haemodynamic performance and potentially improve survival. This paper reviews the known pharmacology of levosimendan, the clinical experience with the drug to date and the potential use of levosimendan as a cardioprotective agent during surgery.