The Clinical journal of pain
Randomized Controlled Trial
The Effect of Perioperative Lidocaine Infusion on Postoperative Pain and Postsurgical Recovery Parameters in Gynecological Cancer Surgery.
The primary objective of this prospective nonblinded randomized study was to investigate the effect of perioperative systemic lidocaine infusion on pain control after major gynecologic oncology surgery. Patient-reported outcomes, postoperative recovery parameters, and complications were secondary endpoints of the study. ⋯ Perioperative lidocaine infusion is effective as epidural analgesia, which is often advocated as the gold-standard analgesic technique for abdominal surgery and is superior to the others in terms of time to first flatus and the incidence of nausea-vomiting.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Virtual Reality to Reduce Procedural Pain During IV Insertion in the Pediatric Emergency Department: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using virtual reality (VR) for distraction during intravenous (IV) insertion in the pediatric emergency department (ED) and of conducting a full-scale randomized controlled trial. ⋯ Our data support the feasibility of using VR for distraction during IV insertion and of conducting a full-scale randomized controlled trial. Identifying eligible patients and minimizing the number of outcome measures will be important considerations for future research.
Preliminary research in youth with chronic pain suggests differences in attention and working memory, which has been similarly demonstrated in adults with chronic pain. There has been little research on other aspects of executive functioning (EF) in this population despite its critical role in problem solving, school functioning, and coping. This study aimed to examine differences in several aspects of EF between youth with chronic pain and a nonchronic pain comparison group using performance-based neuropsychological tests and a behavior rating scale. ⋯ This study is one of few multidimensional examinations of EF in youth with chronic pain, using a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery combined with behavior ratings. Our findings suggest EF differences in youth with chronic pain, across a variety of domains and may suggest risk for specific cognitive processing weaknesses in this population. Medical and educational teams should work toward identification, treatment, and compensatory support for EF within individualized pain management for youth.
Observational Study
Severity of Chronic Pain in German Adolescent School Students - A Cross-sectional Study.
Prevalence estimates of severe chronic pain in pediatric community samples are rare and inconclusive. This study aimed to (1) examine the prevalence of chronic pain severity grades in school children and (2) investigate differences between pain severity grades for pain-related characteristics, including pain locations, sociodemographic characteristics, emotional functioning, insomnia, school factors, and health care utilization. ⋯ Severe chronic pain affects nearly 1 in 10 adolescent school students and is associated with several negative health outcomes and increased health care utilization. It is important to ensure that specialized pain treatment programs are available to these students and that they are aware of the different negative health outcomes associated with the pain condition.
The benefits of family-based interventions for patients with musculoskeletal pain have been previously shown in individual randomized controlled trials (RCTs), but no systematic review has summarized their effects. ⋯ There is moderate-quality evidence that family-based interventions result in small, significantly better pain and disability outcomes in the short-term compared with individual-focused interventions in patients with musculoskeletal pain. Based on low-quality evidence, family-based interventions result in small improvements on pain in the short-term compared with usual care. Future studies should review the content and optimize the mechanisms underpinning family-based interventions in musculoskeletal pain so that the approach could be further tested in adequately powered RCTs.