The Clinical journal of pain
Progress in advancing understanding of the role of "catastrophizing" in pain and associated physical and psychosocial disability may be furthered by (1) consideration of the construct of catastrophizing, (2) evaluation of the extent to which currently available measures of pain catastrophizing tap into that construct, (3) investigation of the relation of catastrophizing to personal trait variables (e.g., neuroticism and worry), and (4) identification of the conditions (or states) under which catastrophizing is most likely to occur. In this article, the authors discuss these issues and suggest directions for future research.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Plasma levels of interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 are affected by ketorolac as an adjunct to patient-controlled morphine after abdominal hysterectomy.
Because morphine affects various immune functions, patient-controlled analgesia with morphine may further deteriorate the immune mechanisms after surgery. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine differences between morphine patient-controlled analgesia and a combination of morphine and ketorolac in interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 responses, and in analgesia and morphine-related side effects. ⋯ The authors conclude that supplementation using ketorolac plus administration of morphine modifies cytokine responses and may contribute to immune augmentations during postoperative periods.
The tendency to "catastrophize" during painful stimulation contributes to more intense pain experience and increased emotional distress. Catastrophizing has been broadly conceived as an exaggerated negative "mental set" brought to bear during painful experiences. Although findings have been consistent in showing a relation between catastrophizing and pain, research in this area has proceeded in the relative absence of a guiding theoretical framework. ⋯ The article evaluates the explanatory power of a schema activation model, an appraisal model, an attention model, and a communal coping model of pain perception. It is suggested that catastrophizing might best be viewed from the perspective of hierarchical levels of analysis, where social factors and social goals may play a role in the development and maintenance of catastrophizing, whereas appraisal-related processes may point to the mechanisms that link catastrophizing to pain experience. Directions for future research are suggested.
Several types of physical therapy are used in the management of painful musculoskeletal disorders. These treatment modalities can be broadly categorized as electrotherapy modalities (e.g., transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), acupuncture, thermal modalities (e.g., moist heat, ultrasound), manual therapies (e.g., manipulation or massage), or exercise. Within each of these broad categories significant variations in treatment parameters are possible. ⋯ There is some preliminary evidence to support the use of manual therapies, exercise, and acupuncture in the management of some categories of musculoskeletal pain. Limitations of the existing research base are discussed and recommendations for areas of future research are provided.