Pediatric emergency care
Pediatric emergency care · Feb 2004
Review Case ReportsAcute presentation of infected urachal cysts: case report and review of diagnosis and therapeutic interventions.
Urachal remnants, although relatively rare, masquerade as a large number of diverse disorders leading to a high rate of misdiagnosis. A typical case is reported in which a 10-year-old boy presented to the Emergency Department twice before being incorrectly diagnosed with a pelvic or lower abdominal periappendiceal abscess. Definitive diagnosis and treatment of an infected urachal cyst were made intraoperatively. A review and discussion of urachal remnants is presented, and a diagnostic algorithm and treatment plan is offered for this entity.
Pediatric emergency care · Feb 2004
Children with cancer, fever, and treatment-induced neutropenia: risk factors associated with illness requiring the administration of critical care therapies.
To identify clinical and laboratory characteristics of pediatric patients with cancer, fever, and treatment-induced neutropenia, available at existing at initial presentation, that are independently associated with the development of illnesses requiring administration of critical care therapies. ⋯ Pediatric patients with cancer, fever, and treatment-induced neutropenia who present with higher fever or prolonged CFT are at increased risk of developing life-threatening illnesses requiring administration of critical care therapies, independent of hematologic factors, type of cancer, or other physiologic signs of sepsis.