Pediatric emergency care
Pediatric emergency care · Sep 2013
ReviewEmergency psychiatric care for children and adolescents: a literature review.
Over the years, increasing numbers of children and adolescents have sought help for acute psychiatric problems. The responses to this treatment-seeking behavior are heterogeneous in different settings and nations. This review aimed to provide an answer to the questions "which care should be offered to children and adolescents presenting with a psychiatric emergency or crisis and how should it be organized." ⋯ Currently, emergency psychiatric care for children and adolescents is practiced within a wide range of care models. There is no consensus on recommended care or recommended setting for this population. More research is needed to make exact recommendations on the standardization of psychiatric care for young people in emergency settings.
Pediatric emergency care · Sep 2013
Review Case ReportsSymptomatic Meckel's Diverticulum in Newborn: Two Interesting Additional Cases and Review of Literature.
This study aimed to review the literature about symptomatic Meckel's diverticulum (MD) in the neonatal period with 2 additional uncommon cases. ⋯ Bowel obstruction and pneumoperitoneum are the most frequent clinical manifestations of symptomatic MD in the newborn. Surgery is required for a definitive diagnosis and successful outcome.
Pediatric emergency care · Sep 2013
Case ReportsCocaine-induced dystonic reaction: an unlikely presentation of child neglect.
Child neglect can be difficult to recognize. Parental substance abuse may place a child at increased risk of neglect. ⋯ Pediatric emergency physicians should consider cocaine exposure when a child of any age presents with abnormal movements. Dystonic reaction is an uncommon, but reported, complication of cocaine exposure in the absence of other risk factors and may be the first presentation of child neglect.
Pediatric emergency care · Sep 2013
Case ReportsSodium Channel Blockade With QRS Widening After an Escitalopram Overdose.
Escitalopram is rarely associated with prolongation of the QTc interval; however, there are no reported cases of QRS complex widening associated with escitalopram overdose. We report a case of a patient who presented with both QRS complex widening and QTc interval prolongation after an escitalopram overdose. ⋯ Both QRS complex widening and QTc interval prolongation should be monitored in cases of escitalopram and citalopram overdoses.
High-energy ionizing radiation is harmful. Low-level exposure sources include background, occupational, and medical diagnostics. Radiation disaster incidents include radioactive substance accidents and nuclear power plant accidents. ⋯ Ca-DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) and Zn-DTPA form stable ionic complexes with plutonium, americium, and curium, which are excreted in the urine. Amifostine enhances chemical and enzymatic repair of damaged DNA. Acute radiation sickness ranges in severity from mild to lethal, which can be assessed by the nausea/vomiting onset/duration, complete blood cell count findings, and neurologic symptoms.