Critical care clinics
Critical care clinics · Apr 1997
Review Comparative Study Historical ArticleCritical care in Canada. The North American difference.
Critical care medicine in Canada has evolved into a multidisciplinary service, teaching, and research activity. Pressure on existing funding models for the delivery of health care in Canada is leading to substantial change in the hospital sector. Although not explicitly targeted for change, pre-existing models of critical care delivery will be caught in the acute care services, redesign (that results from the health care restructuring because of the substantial impact that delivering critical care services has on overall hospital budgets). ⋯ What critical care will look like in its major domains (service, education, and research) in the year 2001 is difficult to foresee at this time. In this context, therefore, change occurring in Canada's critical care system will be no less challenging than what will occur in the United States or other health care systems. For the resources we have developed for the critically ill patient population to survive health care redesign, we must improve our way of working together internationally, to understand and benchmark best practices and to share ideas for the most effective critical care systems.
Critical care clinics · Apr 1997
Review Historical ArticleCritical care in Japan and Korea. The market of excellence.
Medical services in general are well advanced in Japan and Korea. However, intensive and critical care medicine is still on its way to further developments. ⋯ In Korea, the estimated number of ICUs is 122 or more. In Japan, the number of ICUs is estimated to be between 229 and 944.
Critical care clinics · Apr 1997
ReviewConsensus conferences in critical care medicine. Methodologies and impact.
Consensus conferences for the purposes of producing practice guidelines are occurring with increasing frequency both nationally and internationally. The international collaboration of national sciences in these efforts could have a dramatic impact on international standards of care. ⋯ It also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of these methods, and how these may influence consensus guidelines. Finally, a brief overview of theoretically sound methods that can serve as benchmarks to evaluate current methods, and the bases for the development of improved methods is provided.
Critical care clinics · Apr 1997
Review Historical ArticleCritical care in the United States. Who are we and how did we get here?
Critical care medicine has progressed significantly over the past two to three decades. We will review the history and evolution of critical care medicine and ICUs in the United States. The evolving health care delivery system and the changing and important role of the intensivist will be addressed. Finally, a discussion about what critical care physicians must do to prepare for the future is presented.
Critical care clinics · Apr 1997
Review Historical ArticleEvolution of neonatal and pediatric critical care in India.
During the last decade, the disciplines of neonatal and pediatric critical care have rapidly progressed in India. The growth of Neonatal Intensive Care has paced the growth of Pediatric Critical Care. ⋯ This article provides the background information regarding perinatal, neonatal, and infant mortalities in India. It also describes the maternal child health care delivery system in the Indian subcontinent.