Critical care clinics
This article provides an overview of some of the current issues involved in sedation and anxiolysis in the intensive care unit. The problems involved in trying to monitor sedation levels are discussed, as are some of the newer options available for physiologic monitoring of the central nervous system. The problem of abnormal mental states in the intensive care unit and the range of antidepressant therapy now available are also covered. The importance of sleep deprivation and the properties of the neuromuscular blockers are also discussed.
Although pain is a common fear to most, our overall ability to recognize pain, and assess and intervene with appropriate therapies is mediocre at best. However, if made a priority, substantial gains can be made in improving patient satisfaction with pain control and in rectifying deficits in the knowledge of health-care professionals. This goal is not easily obtained and generally requires time, patience, and a multidisciplinary team approach. ⋯ While at times these techniques have not significantly altered outcome, at other times significant benefits have been observed. More sophisticated techniques and pharmacotherapies are being developed and introduced with increased frequency, but alone they will probably have only minimal impact on overall morbidity and mortality. The integration of a multimodal approach seems logical in the critical care setting, with analgesia as the cornerstone.
Centroneuraxis analgesia has a place in the management of critically ill patients. With the safety of the intrathecally placed microcatheter now in question, epidural blockade is more suitable in the intensive care unit setting. The different mechanisms of action and the resultant synergy of local anesthetic agents and opioids, as well as their different side effects, are outlined. The contraindications to neuraxial blockade are discussed, and the role of epidural analgesia in the management of flail chest syndrome is addressed in detail.
This article has described the physiologic impact of trauma- and burn-related pain as well as the effect of a clinician's choice of analgesic method, using the specific example of regional analgesia for pain caused by chest trauma. It has been observed that trauma exerts a holistic influence upon the organism, marshalling reflexes, multi-system physiologic stress responses, and psychologic responses--some adaptive and others maladaptive. There is reason to consider that timely analgesia can intervene in this dynamic process and interdict the establishment of a debilitated state. ⋯ Trauma strikes, in a variable fashion, patients of all ages, with all forms of comorbidity, and is treated by a technology that continues to evolve. Previous research related to the effects of analgesic treatments has been hampered by the limitations that arise when isolated groups embark on vast projects with limited numbers of patients available. It is time for investigators at multiple centers to embark on coordinated efforts to address long-term questions related to trauma and the therapeutic efficacy of analgesia.
This article reviews the evaluation of pain in critically ill patients of all ages. Sources of pain and its physiologic significance are discussed. ⋯ The evaluation process, including a discussion of several tools ranging from visual analog scales to bispectral analysis, as well as goals of therapy are discussed. Finally, a practical approach to the assessment process, which supports the need for established, regularly used evaluation and treatment protocols, is proposed.