Critical care clinics
Critical care clinics · Apr 2023
ReviewBeyond Conventional Hemodynamic Monitoring-Monitoring to Improve Our Understanding of Disease Process and Interventions.
Monitoring the hemodynamic state of patients is a hallmark of any intensive care environment. However, no single monitoring strategy can provide all the necessary data to paint the entire picture of the state of a patient; each monitor has strengths and weaknesses, advantages, and limitations. We review the currently available hemodynamic monitors used in pediatric critical care units using a clinical scenario. This provides the reader with a construct to understand the progression from basic to more advanced monitoring modalities and how they serve to inform the practitioner at the bedside.
Critical care clinics · Apr 2023
ReviewVoices of Pandemic Care: Perspectives from Pediatric Providers During the First SARS-CoV-2 Surge.
Pediatric providers were called on to care for adult patients well beyond their typical scope of practice during the first surge of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Here, the authors share novel viewpoints and innovations from the perspective of providers, consultants, and families. The authors enumerate several of the challenges encountered, including those faced by leadership in supporting teams, balancing competing responsibilities to children while caring for critically ill adult patients, preserving the model of interdisciplinary care, maintaining communication with families, and finding meaning in work during this unprecedented crisis.
Critical care clinics · Apr 2023
ReviewExtracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Then and Now; Broadening Indications and Availability.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a life support technology provided to children to support respiratory failure, cardiac failure, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation after failure of conventional management. Over the decades, ECMO has expanded in use, advanced in technology, shifted from experimental to a standard of care, and evidence supporting its use has increased. The expanded ECMO indications and medical complexity of children have also necessitated focused studies in the ethical domain such as decisional authority, resource allocation, and equitable access.
Critical care clinics · Apr 2023
ReviewYouth Firearm Injury: A Review for Pediatric Critical Care Clinicians.
Firearms are now the leading cause of death among youth in the United States, with rates of homicide and suicide rising even more steeply during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. These injuries and deaths have wide-ranging consequences for the physical and emotional health of youth and families. While pediatric critical care clinicians must treat the injured survivors, they can also play a role in prevention by understanding the risks and consequences of firearm injuries; taking a trauma-informed approach to the care of injured youth; counseling patients and families on firearm access; and advocating for youth safety policy and programming.
Simulation in health-care professions has grown in the last few decades. We provide an overview of the history of simulation in other fields, the trajectory of simulation in health professions education, and research in medical education, including the learning theories and tools to assess and evaluate simulation programs. We also propose future directions for simulation and research in health professions education.