Scandinavian journal of primary health care
Scand J Prim Health Care · Dec 2023
ReviewSupporting professionals to implement integrated, person-centered care for people with chronic conditions: the TARGET pilot study.
The TARGET program for integrated, person-centered care for people with chronic conditions offers primary care (PC) professionals a set of tools and trainings to actively engage in population segmentation and person-centered needs assessments (PCNAs). A pilot study was conducted to gain insight into the program's feasibility and acceptability, and identify preconditions for successful implementation. ⋯ While the content of the TARGET program is supported by its users, the implementation process, for instance team commitment to the program, needs more attention in future upscaling efforts.
Scand J Prim Health Care · Dec 2023
Chronic fatigue syndromes: real illnesses that people can recover from.
The 'Oslo Chronic Fatigue Consortium' consists of researchers and clinicians who question the current narrative that chronic fatigue syndromes, including post-covid conditions, are incurable diseases. Instead, we propose an alternative view, based on research, which offers more hope to patients. Whilst we regard the symptoms of these conditions as real, we propose that they are more likely to reflect the brain's response to a range of biological, psychological, and social factors, rather than a specific disease process. ⋯ Instead, we propose that recovery is often possible if patients are helped to adopt a less threatening understanding of their symptoms and are supported in a gradual return to normal activities. Finally, we call for a much more open and constructive dialogue about these conditions. This dialogue should include a wider range of views, including those of patients who have recovered from them.
Scand J Prim Health Care · Dec 2023
General practitioners' stay-at-work practices in patients with musculoskeletal disorders: using Intervention Mapping to develop a training program.
To describe current stay-at-work practices among Danish general practitioners (GPs) in relation to patients with musculoskeletal disorders, to identify potential avenues for improvement, and to suggest a training program for the GPs. ⋯ We have identified varied perspectives on the roles and responsibilities of GPs, as well as legislative and organisational barriers, and proposed a training program. Not all barriers identified can be addressed by a training course, and some questions are left unanswered, among others - who are best suited to help patients staying at work?
Scand J Prim Health Care · Dec 2023
Use of primary health care services and mortality in older patients with type 2 diabetes with or without comorbidities.
This study aimed to examine primary health care (PHC) service utilization and mortality in older patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) with or without comorbidities. ⋯ In older patients with T2D, the presence of comorbidities was associated with increased use of PHC services and increased mortality. Increase in the number of appointments was associated with reduced mortality in patients with T2D with or without comorbidities.Key PointsIn older patients with T2D, it has not been studied whether and to what extend multimorbidity affects use of PHC services and mortality.The presence of comorbidities according to the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) was associated with increased use of PHC services.The number of appointments to GPs or nurses was associated with reduced mortality in patients with T2D with or without comorbidities according to the CCI.