Nurse education today
Nurse education today · Jun 2014
ReviewA systematic review of the effectiveness of simulation debriefing in health professional education.
The objective of this review was to identify, appraise and synthesise the best available evidence for the effectiveness of debriefing as it relates to simulation-based learning for health professionals. ⋯ These results support the widely held assumption that debriefing is an important component of simulation. It is recommended therefore that debriefing remains an integral component of all simulation-based learning experiences. However, the fact that there were no clinical or practical differences in outcomes when instructor facilitated debriefing was enhanced by video playback is an important finding since this approach is currently considered to be the 'gold standard' for debriefing. This finding therefore warrants further research.
Nurse education today · Jun 2014
Factors related to academic success among nursing students: a descriptive correlational research study.
The current rise in employment is improving forecasts for the future supply of registered nurses; however sizeable shortages are still projected. With the intention of improving academic success in nursing students, related factors need to be better understood. ⋯ The significant relationship between psychological empowerment, resilience, spiritual well-being and academic success in this study supports the statements in the literature that these concepts may play an important role in persistence through the challenges of nursing education. Research is needed to examine if strategies to enhance empowerment, resilience, and spiritual well-being can increase academic success in a test-retest design.
Nurse education today · Jun 2014
Conflict management styles, emotional intelligence and implicit theories of personality of nursing students: a cross-sectional study.
Conflict management is an essential skill that nursing students need to master as conflict is unavoidable in clinical settings. Examining nursing students' conflict management styles and the associating factors can inform nurse educators on how to equip nursing students for effective conflict management. ⋯ Emotional intelligence was significantly associated with all five conflict management styles while implicit theories of personality were significantly associated with compromising style only. Efforts of nurse educators to enhance students' conflict management skills and emotional intelligence to face conflicts in clinical settings are discussed.
Nurse education today · Jun 2014
Situation awareness in undergraduate nursing students managing simulated patient deterioration.
Nursing work often occurs in complex and potentially hazardous settings. Awareness of patient and practice environments is an imperative for nurses in practice. ⋯ Overall, situation awareness was low (41%). Of the four domains, physiological perceptions scored the lowest (26%) and projection the highest (59%). Final year nursing students may not have well developed situation awareness skills, especially when dealing with these types of scenarios. Education providers need to consider ways to assist students to fully develop this attribute. Findings suggest that this is an aspect of undergraduate nursing education that requires significant consideration by curriculum developers.
Nurse education today · Jun 2014
A qualitative exploratory study of nursing students' assessment of the contribution of palliative care learning.
We explored the contribution of optional palliative care (PC) learning to the training of undergraduate nursing students. ⋯ Nursing students believed that a PC course was an essential component in their training, which contributed favourably to their personal and professional development.