Nurse education today
Nurse education today · Jun 2015
Perceptions and experiences of nursing students enrolled in a palliative and end-of-life nursing elective: A qualitative study.
The Carnegie Foundation has identified three professional apprenticeships in nursing that are key to helping students acquire a professional identity. These apprenticeships integrate knowledge acquisition (cognitive apprenticeship), practical experience (practical apprenticeship), and an ethical identity (ethical comportment) for guiding conduct. To ensure that patients have a good death, it is important that faculty incorporate diverse teaching strategies from all three apprenticeships into palliative and end-of life nursing education. ⋯ In end-of-life nursing education, teaching strategies must provide meaningful connections between the student, course content, practical experience, and the dying patient.
Nurse education today · Jun 2015
Nurses' competence in pain management in patients with opioid addiction: A cross-sectional survey study.
There may be up to 21 million opioid abusers in the world. Drug abuse and associated health-related problems are increasing. Opioid addiction can cause serious bacterial infection, injury and trauma, conditions that can trigger pain. Opioid abusers experience pain differently from non-addicts. There is limited research on nurses' competence to provide pain treatment to patients with opioid addiction. ⋯ Our study shows shortcomings in the nurses' competence to evaluate and treat pain, suggesting that patients with opioid addiction may not receive adequate pain management. Nurses' competence to offer pain treatment to opioid abusers could be characterized as experience-based rather than evidence-based.