Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery
Changes in the color, shape, or texture of the nails can be indicative of a wide range of disease states. Podiatrists routinely have the opportunity to observe and evaluate this aspect of pedal anatomy. This article provides a review of the relevant anatomy, an approach to the history and examination, and a description of the various nail changes as they relate to specific disease entities.
A variety of individual nail dystrophies that are not categorized easily in other articles are reviewed. Onychoatrophia, anonychia, onychorrhexis, leukonychia, Beau's lines, onycholysis, onychomadesis, onychoschizia, haplonychia, longitudinal melanonychia, and ventral pterygium are included and pictured clinically. Their clinical description, etiology, associated conditions, differential diagnoses, and treatments are discussed and tabulated.