Journal of general internal medicine
Multicenter Study
Tobacco cessation and prevention practices reported by second and fourth year students at US medical schools.
Tobacco dependence counseling is recommended to be included as core curriculum for US medical students. To date, there has been little information on students' self-reported skills and practice opportunities to provide 5A's (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange) counseling for tobacco cessation. ⋯ By the beginning of their fourth year, most students in this group of medical schools reported multiple opportunities for training and practicing basic 5A counseling, although clear deficits for assisting patients with a quit plan and arranging follow-up care exist. Addressing these deficits and integrating tobacco teaching through tailored specific instruction across all clerkships, particularly in Surgery, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics/Gynecology is a challenge for medical school education.