Journal of general internal medicine
Patients' comprehension of their medical conditions is fundamental to patient-centered care. Hospitalizations present opportunities to educate patients but also challenges to patient comprehension given the complexity and rapid pace of clinical care. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to characterize the current state of inpatients' knowledge of their hospitalization, assess the methods used to determine patient comprehension, and appraise the effects of interventions on improving knowledge. ⋯ Clinicians should be aware that comprehension is often poor among hospitalized patients, especially in those with lower education and advanced age. Our results are limited by overall poor quality of interventional studies. Future research should use objective, standardized measures of patient comprehension and interventions should be multifaceted in approach, focusing on knowledge improvement while also addressing other factors influencing outcomes.
Telehealth employs technology to connect patients to the right healthcare resources at the right time. Women are high utilizers of healthcare with gender-specific health issues that may benefit from the convenience and personalization of telehealth. Thus, we produced an evidence map describing the quantity, distribution, and characteristics of evidence assessing the effectiveness of telehealth services designed for women. ⋯ Our systematic evidence map highlights gaps in the existing literature, such as a lack of studies in key women's health areas (intimate partner violence, mental health), and a dearth of relevant SRs. With few existing SRs in this literature, there is an opportunity for examining effects, efficiency, and acceptability across studies to inform efforts at implementing telehealth for women.
Iron overload disorders lead to excess iron deposition in the body, which can occur as a result of genetic or secondary causes. Genetic iron overload, referred to as hereditary hemochromatosis, may present as a common autosomal recessive mutation or as one of several uncommon mutations. Secondary iron overload may result from frequent blood transfusions, exogenous iron intake, or certain hematological diseases such as dyserythropoietic syndrome or chronic hemolytic anemia. ⋯ If treated appropriately prior to end-organ damage, life expectancy has been shown to be similar compared to matched populations. Alongside clinical assessment, diagnostic studies involve blood tests, imaging, and in some cases liver biopsy. The mainstay of therapy is periodic phlebotomy, although oral chelation is an option for selected patients.
Value-based purchasing is increasingly discussed in association with efforts to develop modern healthcare systems. These models are the most recent example of models derived from health economics research intended to reform collectively financed healthcare. Previous examples have ranged from creation of pseudo-markets to opening these markets for competition between publicly and privately owned enterprises. ⋯ Central social issues related to healthcare in any modern complex society, such as inequality in service provision, can all too easily "disappear" in value-based reform efforts. Based on an analysis of Swedish policy development, we contend that management information systems need to be extended to allow routine monitoring of socioeconomic data when models such as value-based purchasing are introduced in collectively financed health services. The experiences from Sweden are important for health policy in Europe and other regions with collectively financed healthcare plans.
Due to the increasing amount of available published evidence and the continual need to apply and update evidence in practice, we propose a shift in the way evidence generated by learning health systems can be integrated into more traditional evidence reviews. This paper discusses two main mechanisms to close the evidence-to-practice gap: (1) integrating Learning Health System (LHS) results with existing systematic review evidence and (2) providing this combined evidence in a standardized, computable data format. We believe these efforts will better inform practice, thereby improving individual and population health.