Journal of general internal medicine
This paper originally published with problems in the metadata, the original article has been corrected.
Multicenter Study
What Exactly Is Shared Decision-Making? A Qualitative Study of Shared Decision-Making in Lung Cancer Screening.
Shared decision-making (SDM) is widely recommended and required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid for patients considering lung cancer screening (LCS). ⋯ Our results suggest that clinicians support the goal of SDM for LCS decisions but PCPs may not perform some of its elements. The lack of completion of some elements, such as PCPs' lack of in-depth information exchange, may reflect perceived patient preferences for communication. As LCS is implemented, further research is needed to support a personalized, patient-centered approach to produce better outcomes.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Racial Differences in the Effectiveness of Internet-Delivered Mental Health Care.
Computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (cCBT) can improve mental health outcomes in White populations; however, it is unknown whether racial and ethnic minority populations receive clinical benefits from cCBT. ⋯ cCBT may be an efficient and scalable first step to eliminating disparities in mental health care.
Controlled Clinical Trial
Doubling Hepatitis C Virus Screening in Primary Care Using Advanced Electronic Health Record Tools-A Non-Randomized Controlled Trial.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major public health burden, affecting over 4 million people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the US Preventive Services Task Force guidelines recommend screening everyone born between 1945 and 1965, but screening rates remain low. ⋯ Leveraging population analytics and bulk ordering in an electronic health record with bulk messaging to a tPHR directly engages patients in blood screening tests and can significantly improve completion. This methodology has a broad range of applications including many recommended screening or disease-specific testing. This bulk ordering and direct-to-patient messaging approach improves patient screening while decreasing provider/staff work.