Journal of general internal medicine
This paper originally published with problems in the metadata, the original article has been corrected.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Teaching Conflicts of Interest and Shared Decision-Making to Improve Risk Communication: a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Risk communication is a core aspect of a physician's work and a fundamental prerequisite for successful shared decision-making. However, many physicians are not able to adequately communicate risks to patients due to a lack of understanding of statistics as well as inadequate management of conflicts of interest (COI). ⋯ Our results show that an integrated curriculum encompassing COI and risk communication leads to a large and sustainable increase in risk communication performance. We interpret the large effect sizes to be a result of the integration of topics that are usually taught separately, leading to a more effective organization of knowledge.
Clinical Trial
The Relationship of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder to End-of-life Care Received by Dying Veterans: a Secondary Data Analysis.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be exacerbated by subsequent trauma, but it is unclear if symptoms are worsened by impending death. PTSD symptoms, including hyperarousal, negative mood and thoughts, and traumatic re-experiencing, can impact end-of-life symptoms, including pain, mood, and poor sleep. Thus, increased symptoms may lead to increased end-of-life healthcare utilization. ⋯ PTSD's association with increased end-of-life healthcare utilization and increased antipsychotic administration in the final days of life suggests increased symptom burden and potential for terminal delirium in individuals with PTSD. Understanding the burden of psychiatric illness and potential risks for delirium may facilitate the end-of-life care for these patients.