Journal of general internal medicine
A Chronic Condition Disguised as an Acute Event: the Case for Re-thinking Stimulant Overdose Death.
Recent reports indicate that stimulant-related deaths are increasing dramatically. People who die from acute stimulant toxicity have high rates of pre-existing cardiovascular disease (CVD), much of which is undiagnosed. Moreover, people who use stimulants with CVD often remain asymptomatic until presenting to an emergency department with an acute event. ⋯ Strategies tailored to the distinct etiology of stimulant overdose are needed. We propose a three-part approach including (1) implementing stimulant use interventions that promote not only abstinence, but also use reduction, (2) treating ongoing stimulant use as a chronic cardiovascular condition, and (3) making stimulant toxicity interventions relevant to the populations most affected, which includes people outside of the traditional health-care system. In short, to reduce stimulant-related fatality, we need to transform our approach in ways that are tailored to address its natural history.
Integrated care for comorbid depression and chronic medical disease improved physical and mental health outcomes in randomized controlled trials. The Veterans Health Administration (VA) implemented Primary Care-Mental Health Integration (PC-MHI) across all primary care clinics nationally to increase access to mental/behavioral health treatment, alongside physical health management. ⋯ Primary care clinics where integrated mental health care reached a greater proportion of patients achieved modest albeit statistically significant gains in key chronic care quality metrics, providing optimism about the expected effects of large-scale PC-MHI implementation on physical health.
The CHA2DS2-VASC score is used to assess the risk of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) or atrial flutter (AFL). ⋯ The CHA2DS2-VASC score is a predictor for CVA/TIA during the first year after hospitalization in patients without AF. High CHA2DS2-VASC scores warrant work-up for occult AF/AFL and other risk factors for CVA/TIA.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Health Within Reach-a Patient-Centered Intervention to Increase Hepatitis B Screening Among Asian Americans: a Randomized Clinical Trial.
There are few studies to date of interventions to increase viral hepatitis screening among Asian Americans, who have high rates of chronic hepatitis B (HBV) infection. ⋯ A multi-lingual educational intervention using a mobile application in primary care clinics was well received by Asian American patients, enhanced patient-provider communication about HBV, and increased HBV screening. Technology can improve healthcare quality among Asian Americans.