Journal of general internal medicine
Eliminating health disparities among different segments of the US population is an overarching goal of the US Healthy People 2020 objectives. ⋯ Educational and rural-urban disparities in premature mortality widened, whereas Black-White disparities narrowed in the USA between 2007 and 2017, though overall rates remained considerably higher in Black people.
We previously found that a 6-month multidimensional diabetes program, TIME (Telehealth-Supported, Integrated Community Health Workers, Medication-Access) resulted in improved clinical outcomes. ⋯ It is possible for vulnerable populations to maintain long-term glycemic and blood pressure improvements using a multiple dimensional intervention. Attrition rates rose over time but show promise given the majority of post-intervention timepoints occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic when low-income populations were most susceptible to suboptimal healthcare access. Future studies are needed to evaluate longitudinal outcomes of diabetes interventions conducted by local clinics rather than research teams.
Closer to or Farther away from an Ideal Model of Care? Lessons Learned from Geographic Cohorting.
Geographic "cohorting," "co-location," "regionalization," or "localization" refers to the assignation of a hospitalist team to a specific inpatient unit. Its benefits may be related to the formation of a team and the additional interventions like interdisciplinary rounding that the enhanced proximity facilitates. However, cohorting is often adopted in isolation of the bundled approach within which it has proven beneficial. ⋯ Institutions and inpatient units should work in synergy to shape the day-to-day work which directly affects patient and clinician outcomes-and ultimately culminates in the success or failure of the parent organization. Such synergy can manifest in workflow design and metric selection. Attention to workloads and adopting the principles of continuous quality improvement are also crucial to developing models of care that deliver excellent care.
Research on shared decision-making (SDM) has mainly focused on decisions about treatment (e.g., medication or surgical procedures). Little is known about the decision-making process for the numerous other decisions in consultations. ⋯ Most of the limited patient involvement was observed in main decisions (versus others) and in treatment decisions (versus diagnostic, follow-up, and advice). SDM was associated with longer consultations. Physicians' SDM training should help clinicians to tailor promotion of patient involvement in different types of decisions. Physicians and policy makers should allow sufficient consultation time to support the application of SDM in clinical practice.