Journal of general internal medicine
Randomized Controlled Trial
Clinic, Home, and Kiosk Blood Pressure Measurements for Diagnosing Hypertension: a Randomized Diagnostic Study.
The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends blood pressure (BP) measurements using 24-h ambulatory monitoring (ABPM) or home BP monitoring before making a new hypertension diagnosis. ⋯ Compared to ABPM, mean BP was significantly lower for clinic, significantly higher for kiosk, and without significant differences for home. Clinic BP measurements had low sensitivity for detecting hypertension. Findings support utility of home BP monitoring for making a new diagnosis of hypertension.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Integrating Financial Coaching and Referrals into a Smoking Cessation Program for Low-income Smokers: a Randomized Waitlist Control Trial.
Financial distress is a barrier to cessation among low-income smokers. ⋯ Among low-income smokers recruited from medical centers, the intervention produced higher abstinence rates and reductions in some markers of financial distress than usual care. The intervention was not efficacious with people recruited from the community.
Medication for opioid use disorder, including buprenorphine and methadone, is considered the gold standard treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD). As the number of patients receiving buprenorphine has grown, clinicians increasingly care for patients prescribed buprenorphine who present for surgery and require management of perioperative pain. ⋯ We identified high rates of perioperative buprenorphine dose holds. As holding buprenorphine perioperatively does not align with emerging clinical recommendations and carries significant risks, educational campaigns or other provider-targeted interventions may be needed to ensure patients with OUD receive recommended care.
Observational Study
Observational study of patient characteristics associated with a timely diagnosis of dementia and mild cognitive impairment without dementia.
Timely diagnosis of cognitive impairment is a key goal of the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease, but studies of factors associated with a timely diagnosis are limited. ⋯ Targeting resources for timely diagnosis of cognitive impairment to individuals from racial and ethnic minorities, lower educational attainment, and living alone may improve detection and reduce disparities around timely diagnosis of dementia and MCI.