Journal of pain and symptom management
J Pain Symptom Manage · Aug 1995
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialA revised measure of acute pain in infants.
Acute pain in infants is not assessed or managed optimally. The objectives of the study were (a) to adapt a behavioral pain assessment measure (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale, CHEOPS) for use with infants, and (b) to establish the reliability and validity of the measure in a study of infants undergoing immunization. Ninety-six healthy 4- to 6-month-old infants were randomized to receive either the local anesthetic cream Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetics (EMLA) (N = 49), or a placebo (N = 47) prior to immunization. ⋯ Agreement between raters' scores was high (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.95). Results from this study suggest that this measure has beginning construct and concurrent validity and interrater reliability when used in a research study. Further testing of the measure in the clinical setting is required.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Aug 1995
Pain, coping, and adjustment in patients with burns: preliminary findings from a prospective study.
We prospectively examined the associations between procedural pain during hospitalization and coping and adjustment 1 month postdischarge in 43 patients treated at a major regional burn center for burns extensive enough to require at least 5 days of daily wound debridement procedures. Both patients and nurses provided ratings of patient pain, which were summarized and aggregated across a 5-day period. ⋯ Moreover, these associations remained significant after partialling out the effects of preburn adjustment. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed evidence that seeking social support had a moderating effect on the association between pain and scores on a measure of posttraumatic stress disorder.