Journal of pain and symptom management
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jul 2001
The Child-Adult Medical Procedure Interaction Scale-Short Form (CAMPIS-SF): validation of a rating scale for children's and adults' behaviors during painful medical procedures.
This study evaluated the concurrent and construct validity of the Child-Adult Medical Procedure Interaction Scale-Short Form (CAMPIS-SF), a behavior rating scale of children's acute procedural distress and coping, and the coping promoting behaviors and distress promoting behaviors of their parents and the medical personnel who were present in the medical treatment room. Sixty preschool children undergoing immunizations at a county health department served as subjects. Videotapes of the procedures were scored using three observational measures in addition to the CAMPIS-SF. ⋯ The interrater reliability of the 5-point CAMPIS-SF scales was good to excellent. The results emphasize that the CAMPIS-SF scales can be used to monitor not only children's acute procedural distress, but also their coping and the various adults' behaviors that significantly influence children's distress. Further, because of the CAMPIS-SF's ease of use, it is likely that the study of the effects of the social environment on children's distress and coping will be facilitated.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jul 2001
Case ReportsGabapentin for pain control in cancer patients' wound dressing care.
A patient with mycosis fungoides illustrates the problem of pain management during wound care and suggests the utility of a novel treatment, gabapentin. Skin lesions, be they induced through necrosis of tumor, therapy (e.g., radiotherapy), or by pressure ulceration, are often the cause of continuous pain or acute wound dressing pain. Optimizing the analgesic treatment in those patients is thus of major importance. ⋯ Different adjuvant techniques can be used, including topical analgesics, psychological distraction techniques, anxiolytics, and co-analgesics. There is growing evidence that anticonvulsants, and sodium channel blockers in particular, are effective not only in neuropathic but also in inflammatory pain. Gabapentin, a voltage sensitive sodium and calcium channel blocker, was used as a co-analgesic to supplement morphine in this case of cancer wound dressing pain.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jul 2001
Family reports of dying patients' distress: the adaptation of a research tool to assess global symptom distress in the last week of life.
Understanding dying patients' symptom distress is an important component of efforts to improve care at the end of life. It can, however, be problematic to conduct research with dying patients. Family members can serve as sources of information about decedents' last days of life. ⋯ The scale demonstrated good internal consistency (alpha = 0.82). The average item-total correlation was r = 0.49 and the average inter-item correlation was r= 0.30, suggesting items were moderately correlated with the overall total scale and with each other. The Family MSAS-GDI could prove to be a useful tool in assessing and tracking global symptom distress in dying patients.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jul 2001
Multicenter Study Clinical TrialLong-term safety of oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate for breakthrough cancer pain.
This open-label study evaluated the long-term safety and tolerability of oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC) in ambulatory cancer patients with breakthrough pain undergoing cancer care at 32 university- or community-based practices. Patients had participated in a previous short-term titration trial of OTFC, were experiencing at least one episode per day of breakthrough pain, and had achieved relief of their breakthrough pain with an opioid. Patients received OTFC units at a starting dosage strength determined in the short-term trial (200-1600 microg). ⋯ Six patients (4%) discontinued therapy due to an OTFC-related adverse event. There were no reports of abuse and no concerns about the safety of the drug raised by patients or families. OTFC was used safely and effectively during long-term treatment of breakthrough pain in cancer patients at home.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jul 2001
The association between physiological and behavioral pain measures in 0- to 3-year-old infants after major surgery.
To estimate the association between behavioral and physiological pain measures and to identify determinants predicting the level of association, the COMFORT 'behavior' scale, heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and the variability of HR and MAP (HRV and MAPV) were assessed every 3 hours after major abdominal or thoracic surgery. Subjects were 204 infants aged 0-3 years. The within-subject correlations, using the repeated measures, were 0.37, 0.44, 0.48, and 0.49 for COMFORT 'behavior' with HRV, HR, MAP, and MAPV, respectively. ⋯ The behavior-physiology correlations were not greatly affected by physical condition. These data demonstrate large interindividual differences in behavior-physiology correlations after major surgery in 0- to 3-year-old infants. These differences should be further explored in future research.