Journal of pain and symptom management
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jan 2022
Observational StudyDeterminants of distinct trajectories of fatigue in patients undergoing chemotherapy for a metastatic colorectal cancer: 6-month follow-up using Growth Mixture Modeling.
This longitudinal prospective and observational study was designed to identify fatigue trajectories during a 6-month period of chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, and examine the psychosocial factors predicting these trajectories. Associations between fatigue and survival were also investigated. ⋯ Fatigue trajectories differed considerably across patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. This first longitudinal study on colorectal cancer patients involving transactional variables suggests that psychosocial interventions should target these specific outcomes, in order to help patients manage their fatigue.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jan 2022
ReviewDyspnoea-12 and Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile: Systematic Review of Use and Properties.
The Dyspnoea-12 (D-12) and Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile (MDP) were specifically developed for assessment of multiple sensations of breathlessness. ⋯ D-12 and MDP are widely used, reliable, valid and responsive across various chronic conditions, settings and languages, and could be considered standard instruments for measuring dimensions of breathlessness in international trials.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jan 2022
Transitioning to Remote Recruitment and Intervention: A Tale of Two Palliative Care Research Studies Enrolling Underserved Populations during COVID-19.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, community-based research studies experienced prolonged shutdowns unless able to pivot to remote study procedures. ⋯ Future community- and home-based palliative care trials must consider the best way to utilize remote recruitment, enrollment, and data collection processes to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Researchers should consider technology accessibility and train staff to ensure the greatest possible opportunity to recruit underserved populations who have traditionally been underrepresented in research studies.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jan 2022
ReviewParental Decision-Making for Children with Medical Complexity: An Integrated Literature Review.
Children with medical complexity (CMC) have multiple significant chronic health conditions that result in functional limitations and high health care utilization. The population of CMC is increasing and parent decision-making for this population is nuanced. ⋯ Parents of CMC have unique needs in their decision-making process and benefit from shared decision-making, continuity of care, collaborative communication and tailored, individualized care.
J Pain Symptom Manage · Jan 2022
ReviewMulti-dimensional dyspnea-related scales validated in individuals with cardio-respiratory and cancer diseases. A Systematic Review of psychometric properties.
In order to examine the multi-dimensional nature of dyspnea and its impact on the activities of daily living (ADLs) in patients with cardio-respiratory and cancer diseases, validated measures are needed. ⋯ Despite the potential of the identified scales, further studies are needed to strength evidence on the validity and reliability of the multi-dimensional dyspnea scales. Furthermore, more studies appraising the content validity and responsiveness of the scales are specifically recommended.