Journal of child neurology
A questionnaire was circulated to 1126 members of the Child Neurology Society to assess their opinions regarding the current medical-legal system and to determine the involvement of members of the Child Neurology Society as expert witnesses. Two-hundred eighty-five questionnaires were completed, corresponding to a response rate of 25.3%. Of the respondents, 52% were child neurologists in university-based, academic practices, whereas 32% were in private practice. ⋯ Two thirds of the respondents indicated that there should be a mechanism for peer review and more than half believed that the Child Neurology Society should monitor the expert witness activities of its members. These results indicate that although child neurologists frequently participate as medical experts, the respondents have an unfavorable opinion of the current medical liability system. Based on the results of the questionnaire and the need for reform in the current system, monitoring of the expert witness activities of child neurologists should be considered.